The upcoming 13.23 League of Legends patch will be bringing along massive changes to gold given by destroying turrets. More champion adjustments to make sure that the meta stays healthy and fair. Lead Gameplay Designer Riot 'Phroxzon' shared in a tweet the upcoming tweaks that we will be seeing to Summoner's Rift.
You can take a look at our updated preview, here.
Champion Buffs

Our changes last patch were directionally accurate, but she landed a little underpowered.
It seems that the devs are happy with the Janna changes as they wish to ensure that she is strong enough to be viable in the bot lane.

As we were chatting about yesterday, we think Riven is a bit weak. Buffing her up a little, while keeping the door open for more long term directional work.
It looks like Rioters caved into the players' feedback as many complained Riven was in a bad place so she will be getting some minor buffs to compensate for the areas she currently lacks in.

Trundle has been out of the meta for a while. These buffs are targeted at also bringing back trundle top who we think is a counter to tanks that should be viable in some capacity
Some love for the troll as we might be seeing some very helpful buffs to the champion making him more viable for the top lane.

He's looking a little weak in both supp and mid, so we're throwing him a bone
Finally, Riot Games is listening to the community as Vel'Koz has been very weak for months.
Champion Nerfs

As Briar continues to grow in the learning curve, we're tapping her down accordingly. Her growth patch over patch is slowing down however.
Riot Games is again nerfing Briar, hopefully, she still remains relevant as her kit very easily punishes mistakes so the champion has a very interesting design philosophy.

Ksante is too strong, we're targeting specifically his level 6 power spike, but we're happy directionally with how the reshape went, he's just OP
The bane of solo queue, K'Sante is yet again receiving nerfs to tone down his dominance in the top lane.

Naafiri is overpowered, especially in regular play so we're tapping her down a bit
Some nice changes as this champion has been slept on in terms of her power and safe scaling.

Jarvan IV
It seems the devs will be looking into nerfing this champion, but his win rate has been reliant on the Goredrinker and Spear of Shojin build.

He has been dominating the scene a bit too much so it looks like Riot Games will be slightly tweaking him.
Turret Changes
Turret gold will be heavily adjusted as the overall meta and strategy will be greatly influenced by these changes. More split-pushing champions may see relevance and teams might start prioritizing sieging the enemy base instead of going for skirmishes around neutral objectives.
We’re making some changes to inner and inhibitor tower gold to give a higher share of the gold as local gold. Given snowballing is at one of the lowest levels right now, we think this will help put it in a more correct spot, while favoring roles like top lane that spend more time in the side lanes.
- Mid inner turret gold: 300 local + 50 global -> 425 local + 25 global
- Side lane inner turret gold: 550 local + 50 local -> 675 local + 25 global
- Inhibitor turret gold: 50 local + 50 global -> 375 local + 25 global
Summary and Community Reactions
Some very interesting decisions by the devs with buffing champions like Riven, Trundle, and Vel'Koz whilst trying to stop K'Sante's reign in solo queue, this penultimate patch will set the way for the upcoming preseason changes coming very soon. With that being said, you can learn more about Patch 13.23, here.
Some players are questioning the buffs to Riven as she has previously dominated the top lane with the smallest of power increases.
Others are uncertain about the Jarvan IV nerfs. Hopefully, the devs won't tamper too much with the champion.