Patch 14.11 brought many changes to the LoL meta, and you might be wondering what's the next OP pick for solo queue. Since every patch brings a lot of changes to the game, we will be taking a look at the best of the best when it comes to Jungle champions so you can start climbing up the ranked ladder. The recent update buffed and nerfed quite a lot of LoL champions and items so things might look a little different.
We will give several examples of champions per tier, so you can decide for yourself which pick fits your play style and which jungler will give you the best chances of carrying your team to victory.
Given how much the meta can shake things up, you should pay attention to each patch as your favorite champion might be hit with a nerf or buff.
Table of Contents
Tier List Explanation

This tier list will examine some of the most-played League of Legends champions in the Jungle.
- D-Tier: You should avoid playing these champions as much as possible.
- C-Tier: Although they can be somewhat decent, you are better off with other picks.
- B-Tier: Viable and reliable in most situations, you can manage rather decently.
- A-Tier: Great options but lacking just slightly either in terms of damage or utility.
- S-Tier: The best champions you can use to ensure you are always victorious.
NOTE: Although this tier list strives to be as objective as possible in terms of viability, you should not limit yourself to strictly adhere to this list, but rather experiment and see which champion feels fun to play with.
League of Legends 14.11: D-Tier Jungle Champions
Sylas is once more one of the worst Jungle picks in League of Legends. Combine this with a high ban rate and he's completely useless. Do keep in mind that he's amazing for Mid.
- Versatile
- Duelist
- Short range
Rebgar used to be a nightmare in the jungle! Insane damage, solo carry, guaranteed win. However, these days are long gone and he has the lowest win rate among junglers.
Keep this one in the mid-lane! Zed's days as a jungle are long gone and you definitely shouldn't pick him.
- High burst
- Decent jungle clears
- No sustain
- No hard CC
- Doesn't feel good in the jungle
High pick and ban rate, low win rate. Things aren't looking good for Lee Sin. Let's hope he gets a little help from Riot, aside from his VFX update.
- Versatile kit
- Mobile
- Good ganks
- Really weak if he falls behind
League of Legends 14.11: C-Tier Jungle Champions
Despite being a classic jungle champion, Nidalee is falling significantly behind, compared to other champions.
- Great early and mid-game
- Duelist
- Difficult to play
- Falls off late game
Elise is quite underrated and an unpopular choice. This will usually help you a lot but she's also not that strong currently.
- High burst
- Great mobility
- Strong early game
- Hard to master
- Squishy
- Weak late game
Gwen is definitely a disappointment in all lanes in Season 4 of League of Legends, although she has huge potential.
League of Legends 14.11: B-Tier Jungle Champions
Pantheon got some serious adjustments and buffs with LoL patch 14.11. However, it seems like this wasn't enough to skyrocket him to the S-Tier.
- Good damage
- Great early game
- Dependent on items
You might be missing Kayn's glory days. They're gone but he's still an alright champion pick in the right hands.
Skarner is way weaker than he used to be, even after a few buff attempts, but he's still a decent choice if you know what you're doing with this champion.
- Decent damage
- Great scaling
- High ban rate
- Long cooldowns
Graves has been keeping his position since the last patch. This champ has great damage and solo carry potential, thanks to his scaling and flexible builds, but only if you know how to play him well.
- Lots of damage
- Kiting
- Duelist
- Weak in team fights
- No CC
Ekko is still a somewhat decent Solo Queue pick although we see him less and less in the jungle in the current LoL meta.
Bel'Veth started Season 14 as one of the strongest junglers in the game. Unfortunately, things haven't been looking too good for her for a few patches now. She's still a decent Ranked pick, due to her damage and mobility, but not as OP as she used to be.
- Decent damage and burst
- Snowball potential
- You're basically throwing the game if you're behind
- Dependent on True Form
League of Legends 14.11: A-Tier Jungle Champions
Riot Games gave Morde a few buffs to his Passive and Q in the last patch, which immediately made his performance in ranked much better.
- OP Ult
- Easy to play
- Sustain
- No mobility
- Easily kited
With his AoE Slow and global pressure, Karthus is a very solid pick for the jungle in LoL Ranked. His nerf from Patch 14.11 can be barely felt.
- Great AoE
- Very useful in team fights
- Squishy
- Mana-hungry
- No crowd control
Playing against a good Shaco can make you rage-quit! He's a dangerous tool in the right hand. However, be aware of his very high ban rate - 32% !
- Great ganks
- Fun outplays, annoying to play against
- Huge ban rate, high pick rate
- You'll need to actually be good with the champion and have the right skills in order to NOT be a nuance to your team
- Good vision counters him
Diana is a great choice both as a midlaner or a jungler in the current meta. Her mobility allows for some amazing ganks and once you're on her radar it's hard to get away from her alive.
- Mobility
- Roaming
- One combo and the enemy is a goner
- Great in team fights
- No easy way out once you go all in
Taliyah's Q got slightly nerfed in the last League of Legends update but she's still a great option for the jungle.
Amumu is doing surprisingly well in the current Jungle meta and you should probably give him a chance if you haven't so far.
League of Legends 14.11: S-Tier Jungle Champions
A huge buff to his base stats returned Master Yi to his glory days. A very easy, beginner-friendly champion, with amazing solo carry potential - don't miss out on a few Ranked games with Yi!
- High mobility
- Easy to pick up
- Huge carry potential
- Great jungle clear
- High pick and ban rate
- No CC
A buff to Q brought Kha'Zix to the top of the Jungler tier list. Make use of this champion while it's still in a great place.
Rek'Sai has been in the S Jungle Tier for a while now. She's a force to be reckoned with, with clean ganks and great damage.
- Perfect ganks
- Good clear speed
- Unreliable CC
Brand is still dominating the mid-lane and the jungle, without any nerfs headed toward him! He's easy to play with and has insane damage.
- Amazing AoE damage
- Easy to pick up and master
- Bad utility
- Easily out-sustained
Briar has some insane damage and you can gank easily with her. She's a menace on the Summoner's Rift!
- Amazing crowd control
- Easy jungle clears
- High ban rate
Underrated because of her cute looks, Lillia dominates the jungle easily. Her performance in Season 2014 has been amazing so far.
Nocturne hasn't been out of the S+ tier since Season 14 started. Clean ganks and insane damage - what more can you ask for? The best thing is that his ban rate has been decreasing, now that there are other powerful junglers on the horizon.
- One of the best ganks in LoL
- Duelist
- Reliant on Darkness Form
It's been a while since we've last seen Xin take over the jungle. The buff to Black Cleaver really did miracles for him.
The most recent League of Legends patch was huge but it didn't bring a lot of direct changes to junglers. However, we are seeing some differences in the meta due to item buffs and nerfs.
D-Tier | Rengar, Sylas, Zed, Lee Sin |
C-Tier | Nidalee, Elise, Gragas, Gwen |
B-Tier | Pantheon, Kayn, Skarner, Graves, Ekko, Bel'Veth |
A-Tier | Mordekaiser, Karthus, Shaco, Diana, Taliyah, Amumu |
S-Tier | Brand, Briar, Nocturne, Master Yi, Kha'Zix, Rek'Sai, Lillia, Xin Zhao |