With Patch 14.7 now live, we already have information for the upcoming update coming to League of Legends. FrankTheBoxMonster on Reddit has shared more valuable information from the PBE so we will be taking a closer look.
Although these changes might not be final, it seems Rioters are looking at adjusting Briar, Mordekaiser, and Twisted Fate among other champions. League of Legends is constantly seeing balance changes to either stop overpowered champions from dominating ranked or to bring more viable picks into the champion pool.
We will go through all of the changes in this recent data mine to see what we can expect in the next League of Legends balance change update.

LoL Patch 14.8 PBE Champion Changes


Certain Death (R)
- New Flag was added, possibly a fix to an unknown issue.


Obliterate (Q)
- Cooldown: 9/7.75/6.5/5.25/4 seconds ⇒ 8/7/6/5/4 seconds

Death's Grasp (E)
- Damage: 80/95/110/125/140 (+60% AP) ⇒ 70/85/100/115/130 (+60% AP)


Rapid Fire (Q)
- Now tagged as an empowered attack.

Twisted Fate

Pick a Card (W)
- Now tagged as an empowered attack.
LoL Patch 14.8 PBE Item Changes

Cappa Juice
- Removed from Summoner's Rift. Still available on Howling Abyss.
LoL Patch 14.8 PBE Bot Challenge Changes

- Win intermediate games without dying ⇒ Win intermediate games without dying and at least 20% kill participation.
- Kill the enemy jungler in their jungle before 10 minutes ⇒ As jungler, kill the enemy jungler in their jungle before 10 minutes.
And that covers all of the changes we know so far. We will make sure to update the article as more information is uncovered by the amazing FrankTheBoxMonster on Reddit.