We will be taking a look at the best champions you can pick currently in League of Legends' Arena game mode. While this is not a definitive list as most of your matchups and compositions will vary from game to game, these are some staple picks you can try out to dominate your opponents.
This guide will help you understand what is strong enough to carry you to first place, but keep in mind that more and more strategies are being discovered, and paired with the fact that there are so many new augments and items for you to try out, every champion can be viable in this game mode.
At the end of the day, what matters is that you have fun, as Riot has intended for this game mode to remain for quite some time so take a look at our champion picks and give them a try in your next games. Good luck and have fun!

LoL Arena S+ Tier (God Tier) Champions
Here are some guaranteed bangers in terms of power, utility, and overall kit that will surely help you get some nice kills onto the enemy team.
- Zed
- Trundle
- Gragas
- Kayne
- Swain
- Sett

She is an absolute tank shredder as her kit allows her to do insane damage if she is paired up with a support that enables her to survive any burst damage.
- Gwen
- Alistar
- Vladimir
- Jax
- Leona

Her tentacles can come in clutch a lot as the arena is quite small with a lot of terrain for you to abuse and push your opponents in a corner.
- Fiora
- Kai'Sa
LoL Arena S Tier Champions
These champions are also incredible in their own way, and if you can fully utilize their potential, you will be guaranteed the first spot.
- Kayle
- Sylas

Dr. Mundo
Mundo is proving himself as a great tank even in the Arena Mode. Heavily relying on his crowd control tools and great damage, he has the potential to be a menace.
- Kog’Maw
- Rell
- Pyke
- Zac
- Udyr
- Lucian
- Skarner

This little yordle is not to be underestimated as his ultimate can quickly turn the tide in your favor.
- Samira
- K’Sante
- Yone
- Lee Sin
- Poppy
- Varus
LoL Arena A Tier Champions
The power creep is slowly getting lower with the next tiers in this list, but these champions can still be fun and are very viable in most games.
- Volibear
- Senna

His low-cooldown abilities enable him to be quite a menacing fighter once you get a couple of items on him. He can easily stick to targets so better make use of his oppressive kit.
- Vi
- Master Yi
- Talon
- Rek’Sai
- Sivir
- Mordekaiser
- Syndra
- Garen
- Sion

There is a fun cheese tactic that can let you permanently wall off opponents so they die from the shrinking arena size.
- Ornn
- Ekko
- Cassiopeia
- Fizz
- Singed
LoL Arena B Tier Champions
The power levels are getting lower, but you can still run these champions without seeing too much resistance, although they are outclassed by the champions in the tiers above.
- Wukong
- Twisted Fate
- Ivern

Great utility and shielding while still being able to pack a punch if you get some AP items as well.
- Lulu
- Veigar
- Cho’Gath
- Yorick

While this champion can be placed higher, his lack of gap closers might hurt him in certain games.
- Malphite
- Kha’Zix
- Tahm Kench
- Yasuo
LoL Arena C Tier Champions
These champions could use some love from Riot as they are way too reliant on items and augments.
- Taric
- Warwick
- Jayce
- Veigar
- Azir
- Nunu & Willump
- Hecarim

It will be very difficult for Bard to gather enough chimes for his passive so his power level is not that great in comparison to other champions.
- Ryze
- Olaf
- Shen
- Evelynn
- Rammus
- Maokai
- Twitch
- Yuumi
- Shyvana
- Soraka
- Janna

Although her being able to go over walls might help in dire situations, but the map is too small for her to be able to kite the enemy champions.
- Akali
- Rakan
- Xayah
- Bel’Veth
- Renekton
- Braum
- Thresh
- Rengar

He is far too squishy to pop off with his boxes, but going for an AD build might wield some favorable matches.
- Shaco
- Morgana
- Urgot
- Hwei
- Briar
- Xerath
- Nidalee
- Pantheon
LoL Arena D Tier Champions
Very weak champions with barely any winning strategies.
- Nilah
- Viego
- Caitlyn
- Xin Zhao

Apart from his hook, this champion does not bring much to the table, but he is very fun to play.
- Blitzcrank
- Vel’Koz
- Zoe
- Milio
- Miss Fortune
- Soraka
- Sona
- Teemo
- Kalista

She has the same problems as Zeri, and she also does not have any built-in mobility.
- Jinx
- LeBlanc
- Ziggs
- Akshan
- Kled
- Qiyana
- Gangplank
- Viktor
- Annie
- Ahri

Jarvan IV
He has great synergy with certain champions for a clean combo, but he does not offer much damage to make him viable enough to be a staple pick.
- Fiddlesticks
- Nami
- Corki
- Sejuani
- Tristana
LoL Arena F Tier Champions
These champions need a lot of items and powerful augments to be able to compete with the other champions in the game.
- Zyra
- Camille
- Renata Glasc
- Aurelion Sol
- Zilean
- Nocturne
- Tryndamere
- Heimerdinger
- Corki
- Irelia
- Seraphine
- Aphelios
- Lissandra
- Kindred
- Taliyah
- Nocturne
- Gnar
- Vex
- Diana
- Neeko
And that wraps it up for this League of Legends Arena tier list. Whilst most of these champions are not set in stone on this list, the meta currently revolves around the A Tier picks and above. Make sure to try out everything that seems fun or interesting as you may discover a broken composition before anyone else does.