Riot Games recently debuted its brand new boyband HEARTSTEEL with the show-stopping song "Paranoia," performed by Ezreal (BAEKHYUN), K'Sante (Tobi Lou), Kayn (Cal Scruby), Sett (ØZI) and Aphelios, and produced by Yone. Shortly after, League of Legends presented the HEARTSTEEL skin line for these six well-known champions, giving them a K-pop flair.
Fortunately, Riot keeps delighting fans with more content about the band. They shared some fun facts and secret quirks about HEARTSTEEL on their Instagram profile.
Kayn a.k.a. Rhaast
Rapper and instrumentalist Kayn is also known as Rhaast (apparently, Kayn isn't edgy enough). He was born on October 30th, although he prefers to claim that his birthday is on Halloween, October 31st (to add to the overall edginess). According to his character profile, 'the shadow reaper' has both bark and bite.
Sett's secret is that he isn't as tough as he looks. The co-leader's iconic hat was knitted by his mom, and his weakness is cute dogs. Apparently, he's allergic to sleeves! This explains a lot...
Co-leader and vocalist K'Sante claims he can bench press Sett and we believe him. He is the high fashion/high energy member and also the one who gives great relationship advice.
Yone is not only a DJ and a producer but also a self-proclaimed band mom! He's described as actually being as cool as he looks. Surprisingly, he loves cold brew and it's his fuel.
Aphelios lost his singing voice, according to League of Legends lore, but this doesn't stop him from pursuing a musical career. He plays many instruments and is the prankster among the boys, as we're warned not to underestimate his pranks.
Perhaps no other League of Legends champion exudes more of a boyband vibe than Ezreal. No wonder he's voiced by the well-known k-pop artist Baekhyun. A chaotic double Sagittarius, he's always running out of phone storage. Playing on his abilities, Riot makes us wonder if he's just a one-hit wonder or something more.
HEARTSTEEL is still in its early boyband days, and all the released content makes us love the boys even more. Time will show if they have the longevity and fanbase of League's iconic girl group K/DA.