In the ever-evolving world of League of Legends, patch 13.20 has made waves, reshaping the mid lane meta and bringing forth new champions to the forefront. As we eagerly anticipate more changes to items, let's delve into the mid lane and uncover the overpowered champions you must master for those easy ranked victories.
Mid Lane Meta Champs:
Kassadin: Riding the Teleport Wave
Kassadin emerges as a standout winner in patch 13.20. His dominance in the mid lane has become apparent, especially against scaling mage champions. The Teleport Summoner Spell buff indirectly empowers Kassadin, allowing him to seize control of the current mid lane meta. With an impressive 52.5% win rate, marking a 4% increase since patch 13.19, Kassadin is an absolute must-pick for mid lane mains at all ranks.
Orianna: A Perennial Powerhouse
With an almost 100% pick or ban rate in Worlds, Orianna continues to reign supreme. This versatile mid laner offers excellent scaling, potent harass, a secure laning phase, and remarkable post-laning phase potential. Her adaptability, capable of building into Liandry's or Luden's, solidifies her status as one of the best 'blind pick' mid lane choices in patch 13.20.
Sylas: The Ultimate All-rounder
Sylas consistently finds his place at the top of mid lane tier lists for good reason. He thrives in a variety of early and mid-game matchups and possesses the unique ability to steal enemy ultimates, ensuring he remains relevant throughout longer games. While he faces some challenging foes in lane like Naafiri, Malzahar, and Veigar, most of his lane counters are rare picks such as Taliyah and Cassiopeia.
Aurelion Sol: Soaring to Victory
The slower pace of patch 13.20 has been a boon for Aurelion Sol. This celestial champion's win rate has steadily risen since the patch's release, cementing his position as an overpowered pick for those with the skill to pilot him. However, a shadow looms over his dominance, as significant damage nerfs are on the horizon. Seize the opportunity for some free wins while it lasts!

Talon: Roaming Domination
AD assassin enthusiasts, not all hope is lost! Talon's bleed effects synergize exceptionally well with Lethality items and armor shred, which are everywhere at the moment. Youmuu's buffs and Zed nerfs have catapulted Talon to the upper echelons of the aggressive roaming mid laners. With a mere 4.4% pick rate across all ranks, Talon remains a hidden gem that shouldn't be overlooked.
Naafiri: Simple Yet Overpowered
From the day of her release, Naafiri has stood as an overpowered pick. Her straightforward gameplay, numerous favorable matchups, strong wave clear, and the added bonus of potent bleed damage in 13.20 make her a well-rounded choice. If you're seeking easy victories and don't mind a simpler playstyle, it's high time to add Naafiri to your champion roster.
Vex: Consistency Queen
The reduction in burst damage and snowball mechanics has left many mid laners in the dust in patch 13.20, but not Vex. Her low Q cooldown offers remarkable consistency, packing substantial DPS, and she still maintains the ability to disrupt like the best of control mages. Vex has been a powerhouse for some time, and it appears Riot is hesitant to rein her in. If you're searching for a main champion, expect Vex to remain a potent pick for the foreseeable future.
Xerath: The Return of the Artillery Mage
Xerath, the venerable artillery mage, recently received buffs to his early game, making him more relevant in the current meta. Slower-paced matches give him ample time to scale, and a new build has propelled him to new heights. The Liandry's-Sorc Shoes-Rylai's build simplifies playing Xerath. A single ability shot slowing an opponent's movement speed sets the stage for landing subsequent ultimate shots with ease. Combine this with the incredible damage scaling from Liandry's, and Xerath becomes a potent pick in patch 13.20.
Final Thoughts:
As patch 13.20 continues to shape the League of Legends landscape, these overpowered mid lane champions are your ticket to success. Master their strengths and exploit the meta shifts to claim those well-deserved ranked victories.
For a detailed breakdown of this list in video format, check out this meta analysis by pro coach, Unsung: