Some League of Legends players prefer to one-trick a certain champion. 'One-tricking' refers to choosing only one champion to play in all Ranked games to climb easily. Having a main means focusing on your own skills to carry games. In this article, we will look at the best champions to one-trick for each role in LoL Patch 14.2.
ADC One-Trick Champions: Nila & Jinx

Currently, the strongest ADC Champion in LoL is Miss Fortune. The lethality changes and how easy she is to play make her an excellent choice in Season 14 with insane damage. However, she has a very high pick and ban rate, which means you might not be able to play her in every Ranked game. This makes MF a bad one-trick champion. Seraphine and Senna are the same as Miss Fortune - both very strong LoL champions but with low chances of you getting to play them in Ranked.
Jinx One-Trick ADC
Jinx is one of those classic LoL champions that will always be valuable. She's insanely powerful late game, with huge carry potential. You can easily destroy your enemies 5 v 1 by the end of the game if you have played decently so far. Jinx is amazing in team fights and in lane, making her a great choice for Ranked. Currently, LoL players choose Jinx with Lethal Tempo and Kraken Slayer to maximize her damage.
Nila One-Trick ADC
Nila is an OP pick with a low ban and pick rate. Some League of Legends players still aren't used to her abilities, giving you an upper hand. She has great solo carry abilities and shouldn't be underestimated. Conqueror runes are amazing on Nila, as you gain stacks with basic attacks.
Support One-Trick Champions: Janna & Zyra

Maokai is a very strong support in the current League of Legends meta, but he is often picked. Blitzcrank is the most banned champion when it comes to the support role, followed by Morgana. Lux is great in Patch 14.2, performing well both as an ADC and Midlaner, so you might not get the chance to play her as a support in Ranked.
Janna One-Trick ADC
Janna is the type of support many players in low elo do not want to play—she seems squishy and doesn't deal much damage. But that's not true! Recent changes in LoL have made Janna's playstyle more aggressive and reliant on auto attacks. She is a fast and mobile support with a great shield and heal. She can be a menace if played right, and the best thing is that Bot lane opponents won't see it coming.
Zyra One-Trick ADC
Zyra doesn't need a good ADC to do serious damage on the Summoner's Rift. She's one of those classic and older League of Legends champions who aren't as popular but are great in lane. In 14.2, Zyra is a great one trick due to her good itemization, more specifically the Liandry's changes.
Mid Lane One Trick: Ekko & Neeko

Midlane has changed a lot since Season 14 started in League of Legends. Champions such as Katarina, Vladimir, Irelia, and Kassadin have returned to the top of the meta while once-solid picks such as Yasuo, Lux, and Veigar aren't performing well in Ranked. Fizz and Ahri even got a small buff in the recent LoL patch, but this didn't do much to their overall gameplay.
Ekko One-Trick Mid
Ekko has returned in the midlane after a long time being viable only in Jungle. Ekko is so good in Patch 14.2 that players are expecting an upcoming nerf soon, so pick him up in Ranked while you can. It's basically free elo! After his two-item spike, he's unstoppable. Ekko players should rush Lich Bane and try out the Hail of Blades runes on him in mid.
Neeko One-Trick Mid
Neeko is a very fun midlaner. She provides some very interesting playthrough with the ability to take the form not only of champions but also of minions and objectives. Your Ranked opponent team won't be able to tell if they're running into your trap while you're hiding. Neeko has quick lane clear and great damage, thanks to her Q ability. Many midlaners underestimate her, which can turn into a huge plus for you in Solo Queue.
Top Lane One Trick: Camille & Karma

Fiora and Darius are always viable champions to play in the top lane, and they're currently the most powerful choices. But this also makes them the most popular picks in Ranked. The same thing goes for Aatrox, who's currently on top of all top lane tier lists.
Camille One-Trick Top
Camille has only a 1.9% ban rate and a 3.6% pick rate, which means you can be sure you'll get to play her on the Summoner's Rift. She was missing from the top meta for a while, but she's back as a solid choice. The downside to Camille is that she's hard to pick up and learn. With a little practice, you'll be unstoppable in Ranked as a one-trick Camille. A lot of LoL players pick her up with Teleport and Ignite, so keep that in mind.
Karma One-Trick Top
Karma is a surprising choice for the top lane but a great one. The amazing thing about maining her is that you can play her as a midlaner and support if the LoL Solo queue requires you to, by giving top lane to someone else. Karma has her Ult available from the start of the match, as a boost for all of her abilities, which gives you great early game advantage pre-level 6. Grasp of the Undying is great for Karma, especially against melee characters that you can bully easily.
Jungle One Trick: Master Yi & Viego
Lillia and Brand are monsters in the jungle currently. Lillia has a quick clear time and amazing ganks, while Brand's ability to gain health while not taking damage makes him very sustainable in the jungle. But they're very in-demand! Rengar is another always valid choice in League of Legends, but he's the second most banned champion after Jax, who's currently not performing well.
Master Yi One-Trick Jungle

The thing about Master Yi is that he's always good in the LoL meta. This is great because you can be sure you won't have to change your one-trick champion when the next League of Legends update rolls in. Many LoL players critique Yi for being a point-and-click champion that takes no skill, but this can be a great thing if you're trying to climb Ranked fast. Master Yi has great carry potential, and he's absolutely unstoppable when he ganks.
Viego One Trick Jungle
Viego isn't as strong as he once was, but he's a stable choice you can rely on in LoL solo queue. He's something like a jack of all trades who offers a little bit of everything. The downside is that he takes a while to learn and get a grasp of as a champion. The most important thing about Viego is to play around his ability to take the form of any champion he kills, which is exactly what makes him OP.
These are our one-trick picks for League of Legends. Of course, pro players don't suggest maining a single champion, but it could be what makes your climb out of low elo easy.