LoL MSI 2024: Play-In Matches and Teams

We will take a look at all of the teams that will compete in the MSI 2024 Play-Ins for a chance to compete against the best teams in the world.

LoL MSI 2024: Play-In Matches and Teams
Riot Games

With the League of Legends 2024 Mid-Season Invitational steadily approaching, fans are eager to find out which teams will be competing in the first stage of the tournament. Luckily for us, we now know all 8 of the teams that will compete for a chance to advance further into the tournament to face the 1st seeds from the LPL, LCS, LEC, and LCS regions. 

We will take a look at how the stage will be played, the brackets and teams that will face off, and risk elimination from MSI 2024. The stakes are high, as the competition is quite fierce this around, given how the 2nd seeds from each major region will also have to face the talent from the LLA, CBLOL, PCS, and VCS regions. Given how high the stakes are, we are in for a ride as no team will show any mercy.

MSI 2024 Play-In Matches
Riot Games



MSI 2024 Play-In Matches and Schedule

MSI 2024 Play-In Stage
Riot Games

8 teams will be slotted into two Bo3 brackets with double elimination on the line. This means that each team will have at least 2 chances to advance further in the League of Legends MSI 2024 Championship. 

Upper Bracket Matches (Round 1)

NOTE: At the time of writing the article, we did not have information regarding the full schedule for the Upper Bracket Matches in Round 1.

Group A

Team Team

Group B

Team Team

Since we do not have the official schedule yet for when the matches will be played out, we will make sure to update the article accordingly. The start time is scheduled to be at 4 PM CST / 10 AM CEST / 1 AM PST.

It is very surprising to see T1 in the Play-Ins stage as this team historically has had many successes at international tournaments, however, the LCK region has seen a lot of upsets and amazing teams outshining even the brightest pro talent. 



Where to Watch MSI 2024 Play-In Matches

LoL MSI 2024 Tournament
Riot Games

You can watch the MSI 2024 Tournament on Riot Games' official Twitch and YouTube channels as well as a plethora of other co-streaming and broadcasting channels. 

And that is everything we know so far. We will be tracking the MSI 2024 Tournament and see how each team performs as we will most definitely have a fantastic display of top-tier League of Legends gameplay.
