As LoL Patch 13.16 rapidly approaches, players are eager to uncover the host of changes and additions that await them. This significant update, gearing up for Worlds 2023, brings a spotlight on professional-level adjustments. Which League of Legends champions will experience buffs or nerfs in this pivotal patch from Riot?
With the Tournament of Souls and Soul Fighter themes winding down, we're entering a fresh chapter in the League of Legends calendar. The culmination of most professional leagues is propelling us closer to the highly anticipated Worlds 2023.
Given the significance of this patch in shaping the balance for the year's grandest esports event, it's safe to anticipate a greater emphasis on changes catering to the professional scene.
LoL Patch 13.16: Balance Insights:
This patch introduces several champion buffs, indicating Riot's commitment to nurturing champions like Sylas, Lulu, and Wukong in this cycle. Naturally, there are also critical nerfs, with picks such as Naafiri and Shyvana experiencing adjustments to maintain a healthy balance.
However, one of the most substantial changes in this patch resides in the systems category. Multiple assassin items have received minor updates, with special attention given to Duskblade, which is undergoing a significant nerf. This alteration is of particular note, as the item has gained popularity among bruiser champions as well.
The impending LoL Patch 13.16 promises to be an influential juncture in the League of Legends competitive landscape, setting the stage for an exciting and competitive environment leading up to Worlds 2023.

Champion Buffs:
- Q - Ultra Mega Fire Kick
- Damage: 90 - 270 >>> 90 - 320
- AP Ratio: 90% >>> 120%
- E - Warm Hugs
- AP Ratio: 25% >>> 30%
- Headshot
- Number of headshot stacks: 6 >>> 5
- Crit ratio formula rewritten to be less cringe (damage is unchanged)
- Vigilance Flat Physical Damage: 10 >>> 15
- Base Stats
- Health per Level: 88 >>> 92
- Q - Glitterlance
- Damage: 70/105/140/175/210 (+40% AP) >>> 70/105/140/175/210 (+50% AP)
- E - Help, Pix!
- Damage: 80/120/160/200/240 (+40% AP) >>> 80/120/160/200/240 (+50% AP)
- Q - Inner Flame
- Base Damage: 70/120/170/220/270 (+40%AP) >>> 70/120/170/220/270 (+50% AP)
- Mantra Detonation Damage: 35/140/245/350 (+60% AP) >>> 35/140/245/350 (+70% AP)
- R - Mantra
- Cooldown 40/38/36/34 >>> 40/37/34/31
Wukong (Top Lane)
- Base Stats
- Mana Regen Growth: 0.65 >>> 0.8
- Q - Crushing Blow
- Mana Cost: 40 >>> 20
- W - Warrior Trickster
- Mana Cost 80-40 >>> 60-40
- Q - Five Point Strike
- Energy Cost: 130/115/100/85/70 >>> 110/100/90/80/70
- Damage: 40/65/115/140 (+65% AD)(+60% AP) >>> 45/70/95/120/145 (+65% AD)(60% AP)
- Passive - Blaze
- Mana Restore: 20-40 >>> 30-50
- Q - Sear
- AP Ratio: 55% >>> 65%
- E - Conflagration
- AP Ratio: 45% >>> 50%
- Q - Timewinder
- Outgoing Damage: 60/75/90/105/120 (+30% AP) >>> 70/85/100/115/130 (+30% AP)
- Slow: 32/39/46/53/60% >>> 40/45/50/55/60%
- W - Parallel Convergence
- Shield Increased: 70-150 >>> 100-180
- Base Stats
- Base Mana 310 >>> 400

Champion Nerfs:
There are much fewer nerfs this patch than there are buffs so it seems like Riot is sort of happy with the current state of the League of Legends meta. These are all the champions getting nerfed in LoL Patch 13.16:
- Base Stats
- Base Armor: 32 >>> 30
- Base AD: 57 >>> 55
- Base Attack Speed: 0.688 >>> 0.663
- Q - Queen's Wrath/Prey Seeker
- Unburrowed base damage removed
- Unburrowed AD ratio: 50% bonus AD >>> 34% - 50% total AD
- W - Burnout
- Base damage per tick: 10 - 35 >>> 10 to 30
- Bonus AD ratio per tick: 15% >>> 10%
- On-hit damage: 50% of DoT damage >>> 5 - 13 + 5% bonus AD
- Base Stats
- Health: 670 >>> 640
- Armor: 26 >>> 30
- Armor Growth: 4.2 >>> 4.5
- MR: 30 >>> 28
Shaco (Support)
- Base Stats
- Mana Regen: 7.15 >>> 6
- W - Jack In The Box
- Mana Cost: 50-70 >>> 70 flat

System Updates in LoL Patch 13.16
We are also going to have some key system changes this League of Legends patch. Finally, Riot is going to nerf Duskblade, while also buffing Prolwer's Claw, but what other systems are being targeted?
Duskblade of Draktharr
- Cooldown: 10 seconds to 30
- Maximum damage: 20% to 18%
Prowler's Claw
- Cooldown: 10 seconds >>> 5
- Bonus AD Ratio: 45%/30% >>> 55%/35%
Umbral Glaive
- Lethality: 10 >>> 13
Serpent's Fang
- Lethality: 12 >>> 15
Axiom Arc
- Base ult cooldown: 5% >>> 10%
New Surrender System in Patch 13.16:
One of the oldest features in League of Legends will also be changed in the upcoming Patch 13.16 – the Surrender System.
- The name of the player that started a surrender vote is no longer revealed.
- After starting a surrender vote, the player that started the surrender mode will not be able to begin another vote for 6 minutes. Note, the team cooldown on calling for a surrender vote remains unchanged at 3 minutes and takes priority over individual cooldowns.
- The surrender vote will automatically resolve when a vote can no longer pass and will no longer remain open waiting for players to vote.
- The surrender box text has been updated to reflect the type of surrender vote being called: Surrender, AFK Surrender, or Remake.
It will be interesting to see, how these changes might impact the behavior of a certain type of players in League of Legends. But it might be a nice update, since spamming surrender votes can be demoralizing for everybody else in the team. But at the moment we're not sure, why Riot wants to hide the name of the surrender calling player.