Today we're diving deep into the prospective changes coming with Patch 13.19. Riot Games often throws in a few surprises, so this list isn't set in stone. Nonetheless, we're focusing on key champion buffs and nerfs that will likely shape the meta.
Upcoming Champion Buffs to Watch Out For:
- Galio
Galio is getting a buff to his ult cooldown, making him more viable against current meta mid-laners like Orianna and Syndra. This primarily enhances his roaming ability, allowing for riskier plays on the map.
- Gangplank
Changes to Gangplank's ult cooldown and other stats will bring him back into the limelight. However, these buffs are a bit controversial as Gangplank already has a high win rate among one-trick players.
- Jhin
Jhin's ult is getting a significant damage buff, particularly when enemies are low on HP. This enhances Jhin's sniping capabilities and could make him a more attractive pick in the next patch.
- Lee Sin
Lee Sin is receiving extra armor and lifesteal, especially beneficial for his jungle clear. However, this might make laning Lee Sin problematic unless Riot balances it correctly.
- Lissandra
Lissandra's root duration is getting a boost. Although she's already strong in the current meta, this buff seems to be aimed more at pro play.
- Nunu
Increased AP ratios on Nunu's skills may lead to new off-tank builds. However, this buff seems somewhat unnecessary as Nunu already has a high win rate.
- Pyke
Increased health growth and reduced W cooldown will make Pyke stronger, particularly in the mid to late game.
- Syndra
A buff to Syndra's Q base damage may be more focused on professional play rather than solo queue.
- Twitch
Twitch's R missile speed is getting increased, making it less likely for enemies to dodge his ultimate attacks.
Nerfs and Adjustments: Proceed with Caution
- Azir
Azir is getting a nerf primarily aimed at pro play. If you're in solo queue, you might want to stay away from this champion for now.
- Rek'Sai
Despite being the jungler with the highest win rate, Rek'Sai is getting yet another nerf. However, these changes might not significantly impact her overall performance.
- Renekton
A slight magic resist nerf seems aimed at pushing Renekton out of the mid lane in professional play.
- Xayah
Xayah's movement speed nerf will be impactful especially for solo queue players. If you enjoy playing Xayah, expect some challenges in positioning.
Item Changes
Randuin's Omen and Seeker's Armguard are getting some love, making them more cost-effective and beneficial for certain matchups.
Final Thoughts
If you want to master these champions, GameLeap offers in-depth courses. Simply click the link in the description below to explore our offering.
Thank you for watching, and see you in the next video!
Note: The above guide is based on tentative patch notes and changes could be made by Riot Games.
Watch the full GameLeap video on the leaked patch notes for 13.19 by Unsung