Patch 13.21 Champion Buffs, Nerfs, Adjustments
Bel'Veth: 'E' Buff
- [E] Royal Maelstrom cooldown reduced 24/22.5/21/19.5/18 >>> 20/19/18/17/16 seconds
Bel'Veth is getting some upgrades, especially for the E skill. This will help Bel'Veth perform better early "without further encouraging a few points Q -> E max"
Hecarim: Damage (baseAD) Buff
AD per level increased 3.2 >>> 3.7
[W] Spirit of Dread duration increased 4 >>> 5 seconds
Hecarim has been affected a lot by changes to blue pets. Riot Games wants to add back some basic attack damage to make him better with Sheen items, instead of focusing on lethality.
K'Sante: Fixes and Stronger Attacks

[R-P] Dauntless Instinct All Out Bonus damage increase increased 35% >>> 45/60/75% (based on levels 6/11/16)
[Q] Ntofo Strikes cast speed bHP ratio increased 0.01111~% per 100 bHP (capped at 1800 bHP) >>> 0.01666~% per 100 bHP (capped at 1200 bHP) (same cast speed reduction)
[W] Path Maker changes:
Will no longer be broken by Charm and Fear
Reduced minimum channel 0.75 >>> 0.65 seconds (bugfix)
Max duration increased 1 >>> 1.5 seconds
[E-W] bugfixes:
No longer allows double-casting/tapping [W]
No longer stops [E] Footwork dash short
[R-W] All Out Bonus no longer allows you to left click to cancel
[R] All Out changes:
Armor/Magic Resistance/AD now update every quarter second (Aftershock cannot be "snapshot" anymore but Gargoyle Stoneplate/Jak'Sho give +AD as they gain stacks)
Omnivamp buffs/bugfixes
[R-Q/E] Ntofo Strikes and Footwork reset time reduced 0.1 seconds >>> instant
K'Sante players can expect bug fixes and more damage when they go all out. Plus, the time it takes to use 'Q' will be shorter when you buy items that give you more health.
Le'Blanc: Improving Key Abilities
[W] Distortion AP ratio increased 65% >>> 75%
[E] Ethereal Chains full tether AP ratio increased 70% >>> 80%
Le'Blanc will get some improvements to her main abilities, 'W' and 'E', to make them more effective.
Master Yi: Buffed Survivability
[E] Wuju Style cooldown reduced 18 >>> 14 seconds
Morgana (Jungle)
[W] Tormented Shadow buffs:
Damage per tick increased 6/11/16/21/26 >>> 6/11.5/17/22.5/28
Monster damage ratio increased 165% >>> 170%
Tahm Kench - PBE
[P] An Acquired Taste damage adjusted 8-60 (based on levels 1-18) (+3% bHP) >>> 6-48 (based on levels 1-11) (+5% bHP)
[W] Abyssal Dive cooldown refund increased 40% flat >>> 40/42.5/45/47.5/50%
[W-P] Blighted Quiver on-hit base damage increased 7/12/17/22/27 >>> 7/13/19/25/31
[E] Hail of Arrows slow increased 25/30/35/40/45% >>> 30/35/40/45/50%
Aurelion Sol: Nerfs to 'Q'
[Q] Breath of Light adjustments:
Damage per tick adjusted 3.75-10 (based on levels 1-18) (+1.875/3.125/4.375/5.625/6.875) (+7.5% AP) >>> 0 (+5.625/7.5/9.375/11.25/13.125) (+6.875% AP)
Base burst damage adjusted 20-30 (based on levels 1-18) (+40/50/60/70/80) >>> 0 (+60/70/80/90/100)
Aurelion Sol will see changes in how his 'Q' abilities work. Some damage will be reduced for quick 'Q' attacks, and they will make 'Q' stronger for burst attacks.
Briar: Laning Adjustments
Attack Speed per level reduced 2.3% >>> 2%
[P] Crimson Curse heal on kill increased 100% >>> 125% of remaining bleed damage
[W2] Snack Attack target's missing HP damage AD ratio reduced 4% per 100 bAD >>> 3.5% per 100 bAD
Briar's power will be tweaked to make sure she's not too strong or weak during the laning phase.
Caitlyn: Rethinking Lethality

[P] Headshot Critical Strike Chance ratio increased 142.1875% >>> 148.75% (81.25% >>> 85%)
[R] Ace in the Hole adjustments:
Damage adjusted 300/525/750 (+200% bAD) (+(35% Critical Strike Chance)% damage) >>> 300/500/700 (+170% bAD) (+(50% Critical Strike Chance)% damage)
Cooldown increased 90/75/60 >>> 90 flat seconds
Riot Games believes that Lethality builds shouldn't be the best for Caitlyn, based on recent discussions.
Jinx: Nerfed. Still Fun.
[P] Get Excited! nerfs:
Stacks capped at 5
Epic monster and Structure takedowns no longer grant stacks beyond the first
Changes to Jinx aim to make sure her special abilities are exciting but not too overpowered.
Rammus: Lowering Damage
[Q] Powerball base damage increased 100/125/150/175/200 >>> 80/110/140/170/200
[W] Defensive Ball Curl bonus Armor reduced 35 (+40/50/60/70/80% Armor) >>> 30 (+35/45/55/65/75% Armor)
Rammus will have less damage, especially from 'W' and early 'Q' attacks. This should also make him clear jungle camps more quickly.
Brand: Small Changes for Jungle Play
Base HP reduced 590 >>> 570
HP per level increased 102 >>> 105
Base Armor increased 22 >>> 27
Armor per level reduced 4.7 >>> 4.2
Base Attack Speed increased 0.625 >>> 0.681
Attack Speed per level increased 1.36% >>> 2%
[P-Ablaze] Blaze Ablaze damage per tick monster ratio increased 120% >>> 250% (still capped at 80 pre-mitigation per tick)
[E] Conflagration base damage reduced 70/95/120/145/170 >>> 65/90/115/140/165
Base Attack Speed increased 0.625 >>> 0.681
[Q] Deadly Spines adjustments:
Damage increased 60/95/130/165/200 (+60% AP) >>> 60/100/140/180/220 (+65% AP)
[Q-P/W] Thorn Spitter damage adjusted 20-100 (based on levels 1-18) (+15% AP) >>> 20-88 (based on levels 1-18) (+18% AP)
[E] Grasping Roots adjustments:
Damage adjusted 60/105/150/195/240 (+50% AP) >>> 60/95/130/165/200 (+60% AP)
[E-P/W] Vine Lasher damage adjusted 20-100 (based on levels 1-18) (+15% AP) >>> 20-88 (based on levels 1-18) (+18% AP)
Some small changes are planned for Brand and Zyra to make them more suitable for the jungle without taking them away from their main roles.
Seraphine: Filling the Support Role

HP per level reduced 104 >>> 90
Base Armor increased 19 >>> 26
Base Mana reduced 440 >>> 360
Mana per level increased 40 >>> 50
Base Mana Regeneration increased 8 >>> 11.5
Mana Regeneration per level reduced 1 >>> 0.4
[Q] High Note adjustments:
Damage adjusted 55/70/85/100/115 (+45/50/55/60/65% AP) >>> 55/80/105/130/155 (+50% AP)
Cooldown reduced 10/8.75/7.5/6.25/5 >>> 9/8/7/6/5 seconds
[W] Surround Sound adjustments:
Base Shield increased 50/70/90/110/130 >>> 50/75/100/125/150
Heal reduced 5/5.5/6/6.5/7% (+0.4% per 100 AP) >>> 3/3.5/4/4.5/5% (+0% AP)
Cooldown reduced 28/26/24/22/20 >>> 28/25/22/19/16 seconds
Mana cost increased 50/60/70/80/90 >>> 80/85/90/95/100
[E] Beat Drop adjustments:
Base damage increased 60/80/100/120/140 >>> 60/95/130/165/200
Mana cost reduced 60/70/80/90/100 >>> 60/65/70/75/80
Seraphine players want to use her as a support champion. Riot Games is making changes to make this role more balanced, but they don't want to make her mid or bot positions useless.
General System Adjustments
First Strike
Bonus true damage reduced 8% >>> 7%
Phase Rush
Melee bonus move speed reduced 30-60% (based on levels 1-18) >>> 25-50% (based on levels 1-18)
Boarding Party bonus Armor and Magic Resistance reduced 10-75/5-37 (based on levels 11-18) >>> 10-60/5-30 (based on levels 11-18) (melee/ranged)
Hullbreaker will be nerfed to make side lane strategies more balanced. Players won't feel like they have to buy Hullbreaker just to match their opponents, which should improve the gameplay experience.
Jungle Pets - PBE
Damage adjusted 16 (+10% AP) (+20% bonus Armor and Magic Resistance) (+3% bHP) >>> 15.5 (+10% bAD) (+12% AP) (+20% bonus Armor and Magic Resistance) (+3% bHP)
Heal per attack changed 70% of damage dealt >>> 13-46 (based on levels 1-12), healing cap removed
Large monster heal capped at 90 HP
A Bigger Picture Perspective on Kha'zix
So many changes in patch 13.21, and yet, one question remains: Why was Kha'Zix not included despite having one of the lowest winrates in the game?
The current problem with Kha'Zix lies in the fact that many players are 'inting', which is why the winrate is so low. At the same time, he's one of the most intimidating 1v9 carry champs in the hands of a skilled player.
In the previous patch 13.20, we can see a clear pattern among Kha'Zix players with an Emerald+ ranking. Out of a staggering 104,000 Khazix games analyzed, a significant 55,000 players opted for Duskblade, resulting in a win rate of 49.47%. Meanwhile, 21,000 players chose Eclipse, with a slightly lower win rate of 49.01%. Surprisingly, only 15,000 players went for Ghostblade, which, as it turns out, is the superior item choice, resulting in an impressive 53.12% win rate.
It's important to note that this isn't an isolated incident. It appears that Riot Games has recognized the need for a more measured approach to changes. They now understand the importance of allowing some time for the community to adjust and start building correctly before implementing further adjustments.
We'll make sure to keep you posted if any new changes are added.