Major Janna Buffs and Adjustments in 13.22
Riot Games intend on reverting the Janna rework, allowing her to deal damage and to be a threat in lane as opposed to being inactive. Here is a list of the potential changes coming in Patch 13.22:
- Health growth: 84 --> 90
- Mana: 350 + 64 --> 360 + 50
- Attack damage: 52 + 3 --> 47 + 2.5
- Armor growth: 5.0 --> 4.5
- Attack range: 500 --> 550
- Acquisition range: 500 --> 550
This is essentially an "attack move awareness" radius, if you are attack moving or have autoattack on, you will aggro to things in this radius (they're typically either identical to or slightly larger than attack range.
- Attack windup percent: 22% --> 20%
This dictates when the attack counts as completing within your attack cycle. With her current base attack speed of 0.625, this is equivalent to a base cast time of 0.352s (11 frames) --> 0.32s (10 frames)
Janna no longer gains speed toward allied champions(allied champions still gain 6% speed toward Janna)- Now deals magic damage on basic attack and W hits equal to 20% / 25% / 30% / 35% bonus speed at 1/6/11/16
Howling Gale Q ability:
- Min damage: 60-160 +35% AP --> 55-195 +50% AP
- Max damage: 105-265 +65% AP --> 85-285 +80% AP
- Cooldown: 12s --> 14s
- Cost: 60-100 --> 90-110
- Range indicator will now show both the min and max range, instead of just the max
- Range indicator will now use a halfwidth of 100 instead of 120 (actual missile halfwidth unchanged at 120)
Zephyr W ability:
- Passive speed is no longer lost while on cooldown
- Cooldown: 12s constant --> 8s-6s
- cost: 50-90 --> 50-75
There's probably a mistake here, as it progresses nonlinearly now (50 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75, note the +10 at rank 2 but +5 otherwise)
- Base damage: 80-200 --> 55-195
Reminder: Also applies Passive bonus damage.
- Slow duration: 3s --> 2s
- Range indicator: 650 --> 615 (actual cast range unchanged at 650)
Eye of the Storm E ability:
- No longer gains 15% HSP for 4s on applying movement impairments to champions
- Shield duration: 5s --> 4s
- Shield no longer decays
Reminder: The bonus AD is only granted while the shield holds, so even though its max duration is down with the shield, it's still more likely to last a bit longer than before now that the decay is gone.
- Base shield health: 75-175 --> 80-220
- Cooldown: 15s-9s --> 16s-12s
- Now refunds 20% cooldown on applying movement impairments to champions
- Cost: 70-110 --> 70-90
Gragas Nerfs in 13.22

Body Slam E ability now refunds 40% cooldown instead of 3s
This is a buff at low haste, nerf at high haste (breakpoint is 60-87 haste depending on spell rank), mitigates high haste permastun builds like 'Impregnator Gragas'.
Explosive Cask R ability missile travel time: 0.55s (17 frames) --> 0.50s (16 frames)
System Changes
"Out of vision" attacker reveal:
- Radius: 400 --> 300
- Duration: 4.5s --> 1.75s
These changes currently only extend to the "Classic" mode (which includes all SR normals/customs/ranked queues). As a result, other modes such as ARAM or Practice Tool are currently unchanged.
Information courtesy of Reddit post by /u/FrankTheBoxMonster.