League of Legends Season 13 is coming to an end, and with Season 14 on the horizon many players are very excited to try out the new items and map objectives, but that does not mean you still don't have time to reach your desired rank, so we will provide you with the best mid lane champions you can pick to win games. Please keep in mind that this tier list is for players wanting to reach Diamond.
We will be going over some highlights so you can get a glimpse of what are the best champions in the meta to help you gain some LP before the season ends. Let's jump into the action!

LoL Patch 13.24b C Tier Mid Laners
This tier consists of champions who do not have the necessary tools to survive the mid lane as effectively as other much stronger champions.

He struggles against long-range control mages but he can punish melee range champions.

This champion's kit is not very reliable in dealing damage as all of his skillshots can be easily dodged and he can easily be counter-picked thus diminishing any relevancy you might establish.
LoL Patch 13.24b B Tier Mid Laners
This tier predominantly consists of champions who have what it takes to win lanes in terms of abilities but lack the necessary stats to be consistent in every game.

This champion has always been a menace to lane against which is why Riot Games has intentionally lowered his numbers to make it less punishing for players, but that means you lack the necessary agency to make impactful plays.

Another example of a champion that can potentially snowball greatly but lacks the numbers to get a reliable lead if your opponent knows how to handle her aggressive all-ins.
LoL Patch 13.24b A Tier Mid Laners

Once you master this champion your ability to carry games grows exponentially, however, the time investment needed to learn all of his intricacies is what keeps this champion in this tier.

She shares the same setbacks as Zed, although Akali can dish out tons of damage, you will need to dedicate a lot of time and resources to understand how to play the champion to her utmost potential.
LoL Patch 13.24b S Tier Mid Laners
These champions have minimal counterplay hence their placement so high on the list.

This champion can be quite a menace once he gets Hullbreaker as that enables him not only to split push a lot, but duel any enemy that tries to stop him. Although you might face some difficulties against ranged champions, he can still overcome his early game weaknesses.

Akshan can be a monster if you take the time to learn how to play him, his kit punishes any player that disrespects his great mobility around terrain that allows him to swoop in and unload tons of damage.

If you are having a bad time against Orianna and Syndra, Galio is your go-to champion. You can punish every opponent who does not position himself properly. You have great synergy with dive champions and you can negate any offensive engages with your ultimate.
LoL Patch 13.24b Broken Tier Mid Laners

This AD assassin can destroy almost every squishy champion so make sure to pick him into vulnerable compositions. Although you can suffer against other OP ranged champions, his roaming potential is not to be underestimated.

Not only is her kit easy to learn but her potential to solo carry games further elevates this champion as an OP pick. She has incredible scaling and if you can land a good ultimate it almost guarantees a teamfight ending in your favor.

Syndra has great poking potential, adequate mobility for a mage, amazing mid-game damage, and the ability to CC multiple enemies once you land a good E. Once you get the hang of her, you can make use of her slippery nature to easily navigate teamfights and deal a lot of sustained damage.

Similarly to Syndra, Orianna has great poke, amazing scaling, and a lot of CC. Once you become comfortable with this champion, you can bully most of your matchups and get priority for objectives as she is great in prolonged skirmishes.

Once you survive the early game and start scaling, you have practically won the game as Kassadin is a monster once he gets a couple of items. Make sure to play safely so you can have an easier time becoming an unstoppable killing machine.

Sylas has recently gone up in terms of win rate and with the very explosive jungle picks, you can easily win 2v2 fights in the river and assist your jungler to secure a considerable advantage early on in the game. You can also easily punish any opponent who does not respect your burst damage.
This patch has been dominated by control mages, and although there are a few cracks, you will be better off abusing the meta picks to gain easy LP, otherwise the enemy team will be able to make use of how busted champions like Syndra, Orianna, and Sylas are currently.
With Season 2024 coming in January, we can expect major shifts in terms of meta and map strategies so stay tuned as we will be providing even more helpful information and guides to help you win in solo queue. If you would like to learn more about this tier list, make sure to check out our extensive video, here: