League of Legends Season 13 is coming to an end, and with Season 14 on the horizon many players are very excited to try out the new items and map objectives, but that does not mean you still don't have time to reach your desired rank, so we will provide you with the best support champions you can pick to help your ADC and team win easily.
We will be going over some highlights so you can get a glimpse of what are the best champions in the meta to help you gain some LP before the season ends. Let's jump into the action!

LoL Patch 13.24b D Tier Supports
This tier is specifically dedicated to Yuumi as her current kit and numbers do not line up at all in terms of viability with the other support champions.

Riot can't seem to balance out this champion as the heavy nerfs have severely dwindled her win and pick rate and her rework did not hit the mark.
LoL Patch 13.24b C Tier Supports
This tier mainly consists of flex or cheese picks that are more inclined to win the lane instead of playing the traditional support role throughout the entire game.

This champion's strategy is mainly to bait out the enemy flash and then go for cheeky hexflash stuns from bushes in an attempt to catch the ADC off guard.

Although you can get some good value by being an oppressive bully in the lane, you will require some adequate spacing and positioning to fully capitalize on her kit and win lanes.
LoL Patch 13.24b B Tier Supports
Champions in this tear can also be seen as cheese picks, however their overall damage is not to be underestimated.

You may require a suitable bot laner, like Jhin, Varus, or Ashe, to help them land their abilities. You can try this champion if you typically play duo with a friend as you may get some heads spinning with this support.

A very aggressive pick that is similar to Pyke, you can take advantage of her mobility and damage when using Press the Attack in a very easy-to-win level 3 fight.
LoL Patch 13.24b A Tier Supports
These champions can be very reliable in most matchups, although the flaws the posses make them a bit weaker than the other champions further up the list.

A fantastic counter-engage champion who can neutralize engage champions but suffers quite a lot when playing against enchanters like Senna, Soraka, and Janna.

While Nami is not a fundamentally weak champion, the other enchanter picks simply can accomplish far more and much more effectively than her. She is currently stuck between being an enchanter and dealing damage without necessarily being at the top of her game in both aspects.
LoL Patch 13.24b S Tier Supports
These champions have minimal counterplay hence their placement so high on the list.

Bard shines when playing against engage champions, however, the current meta does not see many aggressive supports being played. You can still get some very significant leads once you master this champion's playstyle but he will require some time and effort to fully capitalize on his kit.

An amazing champion who can make a game-deciding hook with tons of CC and built-in tankiness. Since the meta is currently dominated by enchanter supports, he lacks the needed damage or tools to punish players who know how to play enchanters.
LoL Patch 13.24b Broken Tier Supports

With an increased win rate, Zyra has become a staple pick in most poke matchups. She has the potential to solo-carry games. With very high damage scaling, you can easily become a monster once you get a good ultimate in a teamfight as your plants do most of the heavy lifting.

Thresh has once again risen from the ashes as his shield build can allow your bot laner to survive most engages, coupled with the fact that a good hook can decide the game in a matter of seconds.

If you are tired of playing against Senna all the time, this champion is a fantastic counter to almost all enchanters who overstep and misposition themselves.

Since enchanters are the go-to pick, Soraka shines very brightly in this role because of her amazing heals, but make sure not to play her with all-in champions like Tristana or Samira.

This champion needs nerfs as she is dominating solo queue so make sure to play her as much as possible if you would like to get some easy LP as her playstyle is not as complicated as engage supports.

Amazing playmaking potential with great stats to back it up, Rakan has been unstoppable in solo queue so if you plan on picking up this champion, you will not regret it one bit.

Not only does her kit enable you to go for easy level 2 kills when playing Hail of Blades and Ignite, but you also offer a lot of utility to your bot laner and team so Janna is currently sitting at the top in terms of strength and viability.
This patch has been dominated by enchanters, and although there are a few cracks, you will be better off abusing the meta picks to gain easy LP, otherwise the enemy team will be able to make use of how busted enchanters are currently.
With Season 2024 coming in January, we can expect major shifts in terms of meta and map strategies so stay tuned as we will be providing even more helpful information and guides to help you win in solo queue. If you would like to learn more about this tier list, make sure to check out our extensive video, here: