With only a few days left to reach your desired rank, we have taken the time to provide you with some helpful tips that will allow you to become better at a game and even win your ranked matches. As Season 14 is coming around January 9th, you still have some time to grind out the ladder.
Please keep in mind that most of these tips will be applicable for Season 2024 as well, so you can still apply this knowledge and information for your future games.

LoL Season 13 First Tip

This tip will revolve around maxing out your dodges. With the current system, you are allowed to dodge up to 2 games per day before the penalty becomes much more severe for your account. It is crucial to dodge games where your teammates are either playing only carries or if someone is holding you hostage which could potentially affect your LP negatively.
Team composition must synergize well with your strengths as a champion as that will allow you to carry your games and allow you the space to maximize your potential. Winning draft is the most important aspect when it comes to solo queue.
LoL Season 13 Second Tip

Unfortunately, it is becoming very common to see boosters in your games. Especially near the end of the season, it would be typical to see certain compositions that hint at potential boosters. For instance, you might see in the bot lane champions like Twitch and Lulu, or Kog'Maw and Lulu. You should try to dodge these games as much as possible to ensure that you have a fair fight.
Another composition might revolve mid and jungle. Typically, some players resort to a Chinese boosting strategy that revolves around Zed and Fiddlesticks so make sure to dodge those games. Another combo is Ekko and Talon or Qiyana which you should try to avoid.
You could also see a top lane composition like Renekton and Elise or Riven and Xin Zhao. Boosters can be quite frustrating to encounter in your games but you can now be aware of what strategies people abuse to get easy wins. We can recommend not playing the last 3 days of the season as that is when you see most amount of boosters.
LoL Season 13 Third Tip

We will be going over some general strategies to keep in mind when playing your last games of the season. The first piece of advice is to treat the ranked experience as a marathon, not a sprint. It is crucial to be in the right head space when playing solo queue. We can advise you to take 5 minutes after each game to analyze the good and bad aspects so you can take a breather and be ready for the next game.
You need to have a clean slate as each game differs so you are ready to take on the next challenge without being caught up in your mistakes. This also allows you to pair up with completely different teammates and opponents as there is a high chance that other players are spamming games, especially near the end of the season.
Keeping your cool and having a good mental is what allows you to be consistent and remain focused on winning your games as best as you can.
LoL Season 13 Fourth Tip

One of the best ways to climb ranked is by playing due queue with a friend. Having another person you can rely on can work wonders as some of the pressure is alleviated from you and that can allow you to play more comfortably and confidently.
Although there is a chance you might not have somebody to duo with, should you have the opportunity, make sure to make use of your duo partner as much as possible.
Keep in mind that not all duo roles are optimal so it is best you stick to either one of these combos:
Mid and Jungle
You have both map pressure and carry potential if you and your duo partner play these roles. You will have a higher chance of getting priority to important objectives and you can ensure that one of your lanes is snowballing.
ADC and Support
Another classic example of a duo that can carry games. If you can get a significant advantage in the bot lane, then you are guaranteed a higher chance of winning games.
Mid and Top
Although it is nice to have a reliable jungler, you should be opting for more map control so you can have both lane priority to certain objectives, and you can draw out enemies once you have started snowballing.
The more enemy champions you force to deal with you, the more opportunities you have for counterplays.
All in all, there are a lot of variables in ranked games but once you master all of these strategies and tips, you will have a much easier time ranking up in League of Legends and getting an important advantage over your enemies.
Make sure to also check out our even more in-depth video so you can win your solo queue games much more easily: