League of Legends Season 14 will have tons of new changes to the gameplay as the new items will heavily impact the meta and most build paths and with the removal of Mythic items, players will now have access to even more powerful items without being limited.
Tank Champions will be dominating the meta at the beginning of Season 2024 as Riot Games has created some insanely powerful items that will further help you not only survive tough team fights but also allow you to dish out tons of damage.
We will be taking a look at all of the tank items and evaluating their strength so you can have a better understanding as to which items will be most suitable for your champion and builds in League of Legends.
LoL Season 14 Tank Items
We will first be taking a look at the converted Mythic items.

Iceborn Gauntlet
- This item has been nerfed substantially as although it is now very cheap, the % damage reduction has been removed and the stats reduced.

- The biggest change is that the item no longer strengthens other items you build as it retains the same functionality.

Jak'Sho, The Protean
- The original passive has been split between two separate items. With this item, you only get the stacking Armor and Magis Resistance passive. Unending Despair currently has the drain passive. This new Jak'Sho gives amazing stats and can built once you have 2-3 items on hand.
LoL Season 14 New Tank Items
We will now be going through all of the new items that will be added in Season 2024 of League of Legends.

Hollow Radiance
- This item is way too overpowered so we will likely see a nerf very soon. It is a more powerful version of Sunfire Cape that grants you MR stats and also has a built-in Tristana E ability. Amazing wave clear that can deter almost every mage pick.

Kaenic Rookern
- Not only does this item grant great stats but the magic shield you get completely counters almost every magic damage dealer. Tanks can easily counter-pick mages and push waves without having to worry about being killed.

Unending Despair
- The other half of Jak'Sho this item is best utilized against AD-heavy compositions. Although not as impactful as the other two new items, it can be a great addition to your build once you have 3-4 items already built.
LoL Season 14 Situational Tank Items
We will now look at the remaining optimal tank items that have great potential in certain situations.

Sunfire Aegis
- Although not as strong as Hollow Radiance, it can be well utilized when playing against physical damage-dealing champions.

Titanic Hydra
- Unfortunately, this item has lost its edge when built by tanks as a lot of damage has been converted to its active ability, thus lowering the overall damage from your ability rotations. We do not recommend building this on tanks.

Abyssal Mask
- There are no changes to this item. You get decent stats for a relatively low gold cost.

Frozen Heart
- This item can be quite powerful when playing against on-hit champions as the passives can substantially reduce the incoming damage, allowing you to survive longer in team fights.

Force of Nature
- You get up to 120 Magic Resistance so make sure to build this item against magic damage dealers.
It seems that tanks are getting a lot of strong items in Season 14 as most of the passives and stats the new items grant completely counter Mages as it seems Riot Games does not favor Mage-centered meta.
On-hit items may receive a nerf quite soon, and tank items should be followed next. Make sure to abuse these items if you would like to easily win your Ranked games before Riot starts nerfing them. If you would like to learn more then make sure to check out our in-depth video, here: