League of Legends has always suffered from a lacklustre ranked system with players often falling prey to boosters or smurfs ruining the competitive experience of the game.
It looks like Riot Games is aiming to fix these problems by implementing its own spin on the ranked system, instead of relying on the traditional LoLMMR method that lacks enough metrics and data evaluation to properly distribute the correct ranks for players.
We will be taking a look at some highlights as there is yet to be an official announcement, however, one of the Rioters has stated that the devs are working hard on introducing this new system as quickly as possible.

LoL Season 14 Changes To Ranked System MMR
As per a recent Reddit reply, Riot Iksar has stated that:
We're moving to a different proprietary (riot-made) system at the start of the new year (ish) and then tentatively planning on moving to a new system later in the year called trueskill 2.
This is good news for players as Riot Games is finally taking steps to address the terrible system that is plaguing the competitive scene in solo/duo queues. It seems that this will be a temporary system that is planned to be replaced later down the year to prepare for the implementation of TrueSkill 2.
We'll share more info when we have it -- there are already some changes in place for the start of the new split that should help put new accounts at an appropriate ranked placement --- and also some other changes that should make getting into a negative LP state much more difficult (think -30, +20).
We'll have to see what actually happens in practice, though --- I suspect there will be many adjustments/corrections/bugfixes over the course of the year. I am confident we'll be in a better spot regardless.
Although some players might be skeptical as to how great the effectiveness of the new system will be, there is still a chance that Riot can find its footing and finally bring about some much-needed changes so that more and more players can compete in a fair and balanced environment, devoid of boosting services and smurfs for example.
LoL Season 14 What Is TrueSkill 2?
This is a system that was introduced in 2018 as it aims to provide an even more accurate skill rating system for video games. You can read more about the system itself, here. Here are some bullet points as to what this system means for League of Legends:
- The system takes into account absence from the game. AFK players will probably face even more penalties for ruining games on purpose.
- The system takes into account squads or players, i.e. premade groups. This could potentially stop players from abusing boosting services.
- The system uses batch inference to improve ranking accuracy.
Batch inference takes into account previous matches of the players playing against each other so that the ranking system can make a better estimate of the possible outcome of the game, as well as make better ranking adjustments at the end of a match.
- The system takes player statistics into account over time, possibly K/D/A, gold per minute, CS, etc.
- The system takes player experience (time played) into account for its evaluation.

All in all, we do not have a lot of information currently about the upcoming changes to the ranked matchmaking rating system, but at least we can have some confirmation that Riot is not neglecting the major issues currently ruining the ranked experience for players.
Once we have more information, we will make sure to share it accordingly and further look into how it could potentially affect your climbing in either solo or duo queue in Season 14.