Patch 14.6 has arrived, introducing significant changes to League of Legends. In this article, we present a Bot Lane tier list designed to help you climb in Ranked and provide insights into the current meta. Explore our rankings of ADC champions from best to worst in LoL 14.6.
S Tier ADC Champions

Zeri is a pleasant surprise on top of the ADC Tier List. She's really strong thanks to her itemization. Patch 14.6 introduced buffs to a few important items:
- Infinity Edge Critical Strike Damage: 40% ⇒ 50%
- Navori Quickblades Attack Damage: 60 ⇒ 65
We love seeing new faces in the tier list and this is the first time Zeri has been dominating bot in a while. Pair her up with an enchanter support for optimal results.
Miss Fortune's reign in the S-tier continues, as she's proving herself to be the lead ADC in LoL Season 14. Swain and Nilah are also in this tier, as versatile and strong picks.
Other S-Tier ADCs:
- Miss Fortune
- Nilah
- Swain
- Twitch
- Jinx
- Cog'Maw
A-Tier ADC Champions

Senna is no longer in the S-tier due to a small nerf she got in the last LoL patch:
- Mist Wraith Spawn Rate on Minion Kill: 8.333% ⇒ 2.8%
This isn't a huge deal for Senna players, as long as they keep in mind that farming Senna is kind of dead as of current.
Classic ADCs such as Jhin, Caitlyn, and Sivir are in the A-Tier. They're in a really strong place and have always been a decent pick for the bot lane.
Other A-Tier Champions:
- Jhin
- Caitlyn
- Sivir
- Yasuo
- Ziggs
- Seraphine
- Veigar
B-Tier ADC Champions

Aphelios is performing a little better in the recent update than he usually does. As mentioned before, this is thanks to the Infinity Edge buff:
- Infinity Edge Critical Strike Damage: 40% ⇒ 50%
His win rate is growing but we'll make sure to see how this plays out for him and if Riot will keep him in this state for a while.
Everything is fairly the same in the B-tier, with all champs listed before being a good pick in certain situations and the right player's hands.
Other B-Tier Champions:
- Samira
- Twisted Fate
- Lucian
- Tristana
- Draven
- Vayne
C-Tier ADC Champions

Smolder's reign in the Bot lane is over. In Patch 14.6 he went through quite a few nerfs. To begin with, Smolder only checks to execute units after his own damage, meaning it will no longer execute off of allies' damage. Here are some more changes:
- Q Execute Threshold: 2% (+0.025 % per stack) ⇒ 6.5% (Note: This started at 7.625% at 225 stacks.)
- W Missile Radius: 125 ⇒ 115
- E Movement Speed: 100% ⇒ 75%
Smolder is also the ADC with the lowest win rate in patch 14.6.
Kai'Sa is back to the bottom of the tier list after a few good patches. Xayah and Ezreal seem to be forgotten options since Season 14 started.
Other C-Tier Champions:
- Xayah
- Kalista
- Varus
- Kai'Sa
- Ezreal
Check out the rest of our League of Legends content! We hope we helped you get a better understanding of the current LoL meta and we've made your Ranked climb easier! GL HF!
You can also check out our other LoL tier lists, here: