League of Legends Season 13 is coming to an end, and with Season 14 on the horizon many players are very excited to try out the new items and map objectives, but that does not mean you still don't have time to reach your desired rank, so we will provide you with the best bot lane champions you can pick to win games. Please keep in mind that this tier list is for players wanting to reach Diamond.
We will be going over some highlights so you can get a glimpse of what are the best champions in the meta to help you gain some LP before the season ends. Let's jump into the action!

LoL Patch 13.24b C Tier Bot Laners

Although this champions is by any means weak, the solo queue environment rarely allows for Aphelios to pop off as he has quite a difficult kit to master.

Although she is an amazing support, her ADC playstyle is not good enough currently as the meta favors much stronger champions.

Unfortunately, Corki is on the weaker side on the bot lane as hit kit and numbers simply do not allow him to be as successful as in the mid lane currently.
LoL Patch 13.24b B Tier Bot Laners

Although she is one of the most played ADCs in pro play, her solo queue potential drastically falls down. She is not a weak champion, but her reliance on a good support might cause some setbacks in team fights.

Similarly to Xayah, Kalista predominantly looks to snowball the early game, however if you are unable to get some winning trades, you might start falling off in terms of scaling.
LoL Patch 13.24b A Tier Bot Laners

She has very good scaling and you can deal tons of damage once you get 3-4 items. She needs to win her lane in order to enable her to dominate games and her lack of mid game damage can affect the outcome of bad teamfights.

Another great situational pick, however the other champions placed higher up on the list have better damage and synergy with supports.

Since this meta is dominated by enchanters, Kai'Sa is not a relevant as other ADCs. She needs an engage support in order to pop off.
LoL Patch 13.24b S Tier Bot Laners
These champions have minimal counterplay hence their placement so high on the list.

His early game has been improved due to the recent buffs but you will need to secure a good enough advantage as you can easily fall behind if you are unable to keep up your tempo and relevancy throughout the game.

A very strong and reliable pick, although some champions can outscale him, he still remains consistent in most of his games.

Currently Radiant Virtue is a very strong item on Varus that enables him to have enough sustain to proc multiple abilities in a teamfight in order to deal tons of sustained damage.
LoL Patch 13.24b Broken Tier Bot Laners

Miss Fortune
An amazing lane bully to help you win the early game so you can dish out a lot of damage in the mid game. Despite her low mobility, if left unchecked, you can easily statcheck most ADCs.

If you have good enough skillshot accuracy then you will be playing one of the strongest lane bullies. Amazing scaling once you pick up your first item and you can win every objective fight just from your ultimate cast.

Twitch has a lot of versatility in terms of build options which enables him to face almost any kind of team composition. His ultimate can decide almost every teamfight if you are able to line it up on at least 3 champions and his roaming capability allows him to pick up easy kills on the map.

If you are able to win your lane, then you are guaranteed to win the game as well. Jinx is a hypercarry monster that if left unchecked you will obliterate the enemy team in a matter of seconds. Despite lacking any mobility, if you are able to get some kills in a teamfight you can quickly turn into a running killbot.

Her slow can be pivotal throughout all phases of the game. Trinity Force enables her to be a very sticky ADC that can melt champions in the late game. Her only weakness comes from her lack of mobility but her damage easily compensates for it.

Vayne is an unstoppable scaling monster if left to reach the mid game without any setbacks. Trinity Force enables her to easily win duels and her tank shredding capabilities make her a big threat in teamfights.
This patch has been dominated by high damage ADCs, and although there are a few cracks, you will be better off abusing the meta picks to gain easy LP, otherwise the enemy team will be able to make use of how busted champions like Vayne, Jinx, and Karthus are currently.
With Season 2024 coming in January, we can expect major shifts in terms of meta and map strategies so stay tuned as we will be providing even more helpful information and guides to help you win in solo queue. If you would like to learn more about this tier list, make sure to check out our extensive video, here: