League of Legends Season 13 is coming to an end, and with Season 14 on the horizon many players are very excited to try out the new items and map objectives, but that does not mean you still don't have time to reach your desired rank, so we will provide you with the best jungle champions you can pick to win games. Please keep in mind that this tier list is for players wanting to reach Diamond.
We will be going over some highlights so you can get a glimpse of what are the best champions in the meta to help you gain some LP before the season ends. Let's jump into the action!

LoL Patch 13.24b C Tier Junglers
This tier consists of champions who have difficulties ganking and clearing their camps.

Although Riot Games is trying to make Zed work as a jungler, he is very dependent on items to make an impact as the hit kit is heavily AD-based.

She has been specifically nerfed to stop pro players from abusing her insane damage and clear speed.
LoL Patch 13.24b B Tier Junglers

This champion requires you to have adequate knowledge of every champion in the game to maximize his effectiveness when taking over a dead enemy.

This champion also requires some time to get used to as there are many intricacies you need to be looking out for so you can gain a substantial advantage both in the early and mid-game.
LoL Patch 13.24b A Tier Junglers

His playstyle is mainly focused on either ganking lanes very often or going for control over neutral objectives. His kit allows newer players to get a better understanding of how to play junglers whilst his damage can significantly impact a teamfight if you can land your ultimate onto a carry.

Lee Sin
Contrary to Nunu, Lee Sin will require some good mechanical skills to fully make use of his kit to land some nasty kicks onto the enemy team without sacrificing too much in the meantime.
LoL Patch 13.24b S Tier Junglers
These champions have minimal counterplay hence their placement so high on the list.

This champion is a great counter to Briar and Nocturne as the meta currently favors them both. With the small buff that Riot Games gave Warwick in this micro patch, you will have a good time playing him in the jungle.

This champion benefits from a very aggressive playstyle as once you have cleared your camps, you can go for skirmishes in the river against the enemy jungler. You also can scale quite hard if you can get an advantage in the early game.

Possibly on par with Evelynn in terms of AP junglers as his damage can significantly shift a team fight in your favor. You will need to dedicate some time into learning how to play him in the early game, but once you grab a hold of your ultimate, you will be a menace to all enemy laners.
LoL Patch 13.24b Broken Tier Junglers

Similarly to Jarvan IV, Zac can also gank quite frequently but his scaling is far better than Jarvan IV's and his damage is not to be underestimated.

This champion is a constant burden for the enemy team not only because they have to invest in pink wards, but her presence or lack thereof will cause enemy players to be constantly vigilant of her position on the map, allowing your team to trade more aggressively without many repercussions.

Master Yi
Riot Games has shown some love for this champion, allowing him to better maneuver with his kit, and with quality-of-life changes to his abilities, Yi can significantly impact the game if left unchecked.

This champion counters every AD jungler, and can easily gank lanes due to his easy jungle clears. Since the meta is currently dominated by champions like Briar and Nocturne, it is a safe bet to pick Rammus in almost every game.

A very easy kit to pilot and has a relatively low cooldown on your ultimate, Nocturne can deal tons of damage and can effectively clear his jungle so make sure to pick him up now to be able to abuse him in Season 14.

Riot Games is unable to balance this champion as even after 6 consecutive nerfs, she is still very dominant no matter what. By this point, every player is tired of seeing her getting picked or banned, but if you still do not believe how powerful Briar is, then this is your sign to pick her up now.
This patch has been dominated by assassin junglers, and although there are a few cracks, you will be better off abusing the meta picks to gain easy LP, otherwise the enemy team will be able to make use of how busted champions like Briar, Evelynn, and Nocturne are currently.
With Season 2024 coming in January, we can expect major shifts in terms of meta and map strategies so stay tuned as we will be providing even more helpful information and guides to help you win in solo queue. If you would like to learn more about this tier list, make sure to check out our extensive video, here: