We will be breaking down the best mid lane picks for Patch 13.22 in League of Legends so you can dominate your opponents and learn more about the current meta. You can learn more about the changes in Patch 13.22 here, and look at our other tier list for the best top laners, here.
C Tier Mid Champions

His nerfs no longer suit him for the current meta placing him into irrelevancy.

This champion lacks any solo-carry potential and is easy to counter.
B Tier Mid Champions

Although he has decent matchups, he suffers from gold reliance in comparison to the S Tier champions we will talk about further up the list.

The lack of mobility and his squishiness simply undermine his great wave clearing and ultimate kill setup, making him an average pick in terms of mid laners.
A Tier Mid Champions

Although Zed has been facing problems in the control mage meta, he still remains a relatively strong champion.

She dominated games both in ranked and pro play with the introduction of Statikk Shiv and its great wave-clearing capabilities on AP champions, however with Riot nerfing the item, LeBlanc still struggles with adequately clearing waves so she can roam more efficiently around the map.
However, Riot decided to buff the attack speed of most mages in the game, allowing her to CS much smoother.
Base Stats
- Base Attack Speed: 0.625 ⇒ 0.658
- Attack Speed Ratio: 0.4 ⇒ 0.625
- Attack Speed Growth: 2.2% ⇒ 1.5%
S Tier Mid Champions

She has good matchups into Syndra and Orianna, and despite her immobility, her utility greatly enriches your team composition and allows her to massively impact the game.

He has incredible wave clear and is capable of sieging the enemy base in a matter of seconds. His pressure is unmatched in regard to taking turret plates.

A formidable assassin who can greatly pressure the enemy team into tracking his movement, as his amazing mobility allows him to roam the map freely to pick up easy kills.

A very solid champion who offers substantial rewards once you master her kit, as although Orianna can outclass her in some aspects, Syndra remains a formidable threat once she reaches the mid-game state.
Broken Tier Mid Champions

She has a very simple kit, great wave clear, and ultimate resets that have massive carry potential, but she struggles against champions that outrange her before she reaches level 6.

She is able to hyper-scale, unlike other assassin champions, with her Q farming ability, she is an absolute monster once she picks up Eclipse. This champion also allows you to always have priority in any skirmish your jungler might end up, making Naafiri a great 2v2 or 2v1 fighter.

Both the ranked and pro play scenes showcase just how strong Orianna currently is, as her lane harassment tools coupled with a high-impact ultimate make her a very fleshed-out mid champion who excels in small skirmishes or team fights.

His scaling is unlike any other AP champion as he remains one of the most picked anti-mage champions and a very strong counter against Sylas. If left unchecked, he can very easily carry the late game.

No matter if the enemy team has terrible ults for Sylas, he still is a terrifying champion who can substantially swing the game in your favor, with Kassadin being his only counter currently. His wave clearing, sustain, and damage allow him to remain relevant throughout the entire game.
Patch 13.22 certainly saw some shifts in the meta, but with Orianna being untouched, and despite the nerfs to Kassadin, most S and Broken Tier champions remain powerhouses in solo queue with players actively seeking out to either ban them or instalock these carries and get an easy win.
You can learn more about the tier list, here: