Take a look at our extensive tier list for top lane champions in Patch 13.22 so you can win more games in solo queue and find out more about the power of the champions you might face in your games as well.
Patch 13.22 Top Laners Tier List

Camille - Broken Tier
Great scaling, good matchups, and can abuse Divine Sunderer. Even in an even situation, you would still be winning the game as Camille becomes an absolute monster once she has picked up two items, making her a split-pushing threat.
Grasp of the Undying helps her trade and sustain in lane so she can reach her mid-to-late game domination.

Fiora - Broken Tier
Although Fiora can take more time to master, her kit greatly rewards you for the time and effort you put in, resulting in favorable trades and easy kills.
If you are new to her, primarily stick to the Resolve Tree, but once you have a better grasp of the champion you can swap over to the Precision Tree. Make sure to freeze your lane if you get ahead and poke by utilizing her passive.

K'Sante - Broken Tier
Riot Games is still figuring out how to adjust this champion similarly to Fiora, once you have mastered him, you will have a field day with your opponents. Despite having a high percentage win rate, this champion rewards you for utilizing his full kit and combos to ensure you make the most out of his potential.

Garen - Broken Tier
One of the best juggernauts currently and with a very simple kit, Garen is a monster with the Phase Rush Rune and Berserker's Greaves. Although he is dominating the top lane currently, he does have some unfun matchups.
You should focus on going for quick trades until you reach level 6 so you can go in for the kill with your ultimate.

Malphite - Broken Tier
This champion is mainly used as a counter-pick to oppressive AD top laners, as he struggles into other tank champions. Make sure to pick up Grasp of the Undying into melee opponents so you can easily sustain and scale up, and Arcane Comet into ranged matchups.
If you are against a Vayne or a Kayle, you can go for an AP route by picking up Night Harvester.

Illaoi - Broken Tier
She is still dominating the top lane, especially into melee matchups, allowing her to systematically apply pressure, forcing the enemy jungler to hover around top lane, and with ultimate allowing you to go for 1v2 scenarios, your team can benefit from this by picking up neutral objectives while you remain the Top Island Queen.
If left unchecked, Illaoi is an absolute split-pushing monster if you pick up the Demolish Rune. Make sure to consistently push side lanes as she can struggle in fully utilizing her kit in teamfights.

Tahm Kench - S Tier
Although players can punish him if you go for a blind pick, using him as a counter pick will absolutely destroy your opponents as he easily punishes overstepping players with his kit allowing him to stick onto any champion that gets too close.

Nasus - S Tier
Another great counter-pick champion as he has built-in sustain, amazing scaling, and very oppressive split-pushing capabilities. Once you have built a Sheen item, focus on getting ability haste through tank items so you can offer the most value in skirmishes in the late game.

Jax - S Tier
Very strong if left unchecked, however, he struggles against counter picks. If Jax fails to get a good head start, then the rest of the game he will not be as useful as other much stronger top laners. Despite this, he remains a very oppressive champion and duelist, allowing him to apply pressure in side lanes while your team focuses on neutral objectives.

Yone - S Tier
This champion requires a specific playstyle, as you need to pick Exhaust so you can win almost every all-in. Yone's kit when utilized effectively can allow for some great trades, but his lack of mobility and long E cooldown will be things to keep in mind when trying to punish your opponents. A great split pusher with a lot of potential once mastered.

Singed - S Tier
Singed has recently started dominating the top lane as well, as the recent Conqueror bug fix now allows his poison to punish opponents much faster. Not only boasting a high win rate, this champion is also very fun to play if you would like to shake things up a bit. His flexibility allows him to proxy in bad matchups and bully champions in good matchups.
The top lane meta has seen some shifts, most notably with champions like Singed and Garen sneaking their way into relevancy. The champions we have outlined in this list will guarantee that you start winning more games and carry your teammates to victory. You can also see our best champions tier list for Patch 13.22 here.
If you would like to get a more in-depth preview of this tier list, make sure to check out our great video here: