In the game Lords of the Fallen, you're encouraged to explore two different places called Axiom and Umbral. While exploring these realms, you'll find hidden items, but sometimes, certain areas are locked unless you have the right key.
One important item you'll come across during your exploration is the Skyrest Bridge Key. This key lets you unlock shortcuts in Skyrest Bridge and access items like Vigor Skulls, the Descrier Guide armor set, and Umbral Scouring.
Here's how you can get the Skyrest Bridge Key in Lords of the Fallen.
Step 1: Head to Skyrest Bridge
To find the key, start by making your way to Skyrest Bridge. You can do this by progressing through the game's opening area and defeating the boss named Pieta, She of the Blessed Renewal. Afterward, you'll gain access to the main hub. Talk to the NPCs there, then go outside and continue your journey.
Step 2: Activate the Vestige of Chabui

Once you leave Skyrest Bridge, explore the area a bit until you find the Vestige of Chabui. It's essential to activate this Vestige because the next part is quite dangerous.
Step 3: Traverse the Hanging Platforms

From the Vestige of Chabui, go right, and you'll discover a ladder. Descend the ladder, and you'll encounter a series of hanging platforms. Jump carefully from platform to platform until you reach the end. Be cautious because enemies are positioned here to push you off the platforms. Check your surroundings and take your time.
After successfully navigating the platforms, you'll come across an elevator. Take it to the top.
Step 4: Reach the Dead End and Illuminate the Path

Once you reach the top, run straight, then take a left and a right until you reach a dead-end. From there, you'll spot a lower platform with an item that requires your Umbral lamp's assistance to obtain.
Equip your lantern, but don't switch to the Umbral realm. Instead, use the lantern while in Axiom to reveal a hidden path. Walk along this path until you're above the ledge, then put away the lantern to drop onto the ledge. Continue towards the item to discover a new, unexplored location.
Step 5: Use Soul Flay to Activate the Bridge

From the elevated platform, turn around, and you'll see another platform in front of you, but no way to reach it. Bring out your lantern again to reveal a hidden bridge. Walk across the bridge and reach the new platform.
Now, teleport to the Umbral realm. You'll find three small Umbral enemies here; defeat them. Once that's done, you'll notice the option to use Soul Flay right in front of you. Use it, and this will activate a bridge.
Step 6: Acquire the Skyrest Bridge Key

Cross the newly activated bridge, walk straight, and then take a left. You'll encounter another bridge with a statue in the middle. Use Soul Flay on the statue to obtain the Skyrest Bridge Key. At this point, two Shadow enemies with dual blades will rush towards you. They are formidable opponents, so decide whether to fight or flee depending on your health.
Step 7: Unlock the Skyrest Bridge Shortcut
Once you have the key, move forward, then take a left. You'll find a statue that allows you to warp back to the Axiom realm. If powerful Shadow enemies are pursuing you, this will help you escape.
From here, continue straight and take a right. You'll come across a door that can be opened with the Skyrest Bridge Key. Explore this area to open up blocked sections in Skyrest Bridge and make your way back to the central Vestige to heal.