Manor Lords has a multitude of buildings that have a plethora of uses. Figuring out how everything works can take a long time to learn and even then might not be possible. The game is still in early access and has some bugs that Slavic Magic is working on fixing. To keep your people happy and increase the level of your burgage plots, you will need to produce a wide variety of food.
- How to build apiaries
- How to use apiaries
- Best Locations to construct apiaries
- Can you craft candles?
- Are apiaries worth it?

You might be looking at the apiaries and thinking whether or not it is worth spending a development point on the Beekeeping technology. We will look into it in this guide but first, we should see how to build an apiary and how to use them.
How to Build Apiaries in Manor Lords

Before you can start your construction, you will need to head to your development tree with a spare point to spend. Purchase the Beekeeping technology to unlock the apiary in Manor Lords. You can build two apiaries in each region. While it is possible to construct more, this will not increase your yield so there is no reason to waste your resources or workforce.
How to Use Apiaries in Manor Lords
You will need to assign workers to help look after the bees and extract the honey from the apiaries in Manor Lords. Do not waste your villagers on the bees. There does seem to be some problems surrounding apiaries. Logically, the bees should take care of themselves and all you need to do is extract the honey so your people have some extra food.
The only problem is that the apiaries do not produce that much food. Most players have reported their workers extract one honey per month from the bees and that is not enough to support your growing population. The good news is that honey is an unlimited resource, meaning there will be a constant supply.

Your hunters and gatherers can easily deplete the animal and berry deposits near your settlement. Nothing is worse than having a food supply shut down and having to think quickly so your villagers can eat. At least with apiaries, you will know that your honey supply will continue.
Some players have said that they have extracted tons of honey from their apiaries in Manor Lords so we are leaning towards thinking there is some bug working against us. In time, Slavic Magic might solve this issue for us and we can enjoy beekeeping.
Best Locations to Place Apiaries in Manor Lords

It doesn’t seem to matter where you place your apiaries in Manor Lords. Your production will not increase if you place the bees near the forest or farms. If you wish to increase immersion, you could place them next to the fields so they can get to work pollinating your crops. Unfortunately, this will have no effect at all. Maybe this will change with time.
Can You Craft Candles in Manor Lords?
There is another development called Advanced Beekeeping that will enable the production of wax from your apiaries in Manor Lords. This is making some players think there is a way to craft candles. Sadly, there is no crafting system in place for candles yet.

Right now, there is no way to do anything with the wax except sell it for some profit. It seems obvious that we will see more crafting available in the future. Considering that Manor Lords is still in early access, we can assume that as Slavic Magic adds new content, we will see candles play a part in our profit-making schemes.
Are Apiaries Worth It in Manor Lords?
If you are looking to add a new variety of food for your villagers, then honey is a great addition but the apiaries don’t produce enough to make it a viable food source. As you continue to grow, you will need to work out ways to grow enough produce for everyone and as it stands, the apiaries are not going to do that.
Previously we had issues with apple production in Manor Lords. There seemed to be a similar problem as we are having with the apiaries and orchards were only producing one apple a month. Slavic Magic added a patch pre-release and now we could be swimming in apples. You are more likely to get a warning that your storage is full. This means that perhaps in the future, apiaries could work well for us.

Until then, it might be better to spend your development points on something else. That’s everything you need to know about Manor Lords’ apiaries. We can hope that with time the beekeeping system will increase the honey output but until then, it’s just not worth it. Check out our other guides for Manor Lords below!
- Manor Lords: How to Build and Use Forester Huts
- How to Get Retinue Units in Manor Lords
- Manor Lords: How to Set and Use Taxes