Manor Lords has finally launched and players are joining the hype quickly to create their dream settlements. However, some players have encountered a little problem: persistent homelessness, even when housing is available. This guide will walk you through the steps to fix homelessness in your settlement and keep your villagers happy.
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How to Fix Homelessness (Bug) in Manor Lords

Many Manor Lords players have reported that even though they already constructed enough Burgage Plots for their villagers, some families remain homeless.
This appears to be a bug that the developer, Slavic Magic, is actively working to fix. In the meantime, there are some solutions you can try to fix this error in the game:
Building Burgage Plots
The first easy step you need to do to fix homelessness is to make sure you have enough Burgage Plots to accommodate all the families. These zones can be freely adjusted in size and shape. Make sure to have your Burgage Plots facing the roads. Remember that each plot needs Timber to build, so don't forget to get your Logging Camp up and running.
Saving and Reloading
Here is another fix you can try for the homelessness bug in Manor Lords:
- Save your game
- Exit to the main menu
- Reload your save
This has proven effective for some players, as it seems to trigger the game to recognize available housing properly. After reloading, wait a few minutes to see if your homeless villagers move into their new homes.
Upgrading the Homeless Camp

Another option is to upgrade your Homeless People's Tents into a Worker Camp. This provides living space for five families and it just requires only one Timber. However, be aware that this upgrade may cause a slight dip in your approval rating. Once all your homeless have moved into proper housing, you can safely remove the Worker Camp to prevent the bug from resurfacing.
Monitor the Homelessness Progress
After trying all of these fixes, you need to keep an eye on your homelessness levels and approval rating. Homelessness should gradually disappear as families settle into their new houses. If the problem keeps on going after a significant amount of in-game time has passed, your save file might be corrupted. So, unfortunately, you might need a fresh start.
We hope that with a bit of patience and the fixes available above, you will soon have your Manor Lords settlement running smoothly, with every villager comfortably housed. Happy building!