Choosing the right development for your region can make the difference between a successful settlement and a failure. Each area has strengths and weaknesses so you have to plan ahead before simply spending your development points in Manor Lords.

If you are wondering whether you should unlock the Foreign Suppliers development, you have come to the right place. We will run through what it is and if it is worth getting below.
Manor Lords: What Is the Foreign Suppliers Development?
In Manor Lords, you will need to ensure that your people have the resources they need to live happily. That includes keeping a healthy supply of firewood for the winter months and decent amounts of food so nobody starves. If you run into any issues with those two aspects of caring for your people, villagers might start dying before you can fix the problem.

The Foreign Suppliers development can help with this problem. It will enable you to build Firewood Carts and Food Carts so you can use your Regional Wealth to purchase fuel or bread should you ever find a dire need. You will need to construct a marketplace before building the carts.
It won’t cost you so much because you will not pay the transport fee. This will enable you to survive those periods when you are low on firewood or food. In the early stages of Manor Lords, these moments will appear often. Instead of worrying too much, you will have a simple solution.

Don’t rely on buying everything you need because you will soon find yourself penniless but in dire circumstances, it is a viable option for survival. The Food and Firewood Carts will passively trade so keep an eye on your Regional Wealth and stop them should your funds run low.
Manor Lords: Is Foreign Suppliers Worth It?
The need for Foreign Suppliers will depend greatly on your playstyle and settlement. If you have a strong source of firewood or charcoal and a stable food supply then there will be no need for the Foreign Suppliers development in Manor Lords. However, if you are still working out how you intend to feed your people and keep everyone warm, then it’s worth spending that precious development point on some insurance.

Every region in Manor Lords is different, and some territories don’t have the available resources to maintain their fuel and food supply. You can battle that problem with the Foreign Suppliers development or establish a packing station and buy plenty of mules to barter goods between all regions you control. Food and Firewood Carts are worth the investment if you struggle to obtain the needed resources.
That’s everything you need to know about the Foreign Suppliers development in Manor Lords. It will always come in handy to have that extra safety for your people. You will always need a constant supply of firewood and food for your settlement. If you have the Regional Wealth then Foreign Suppliers will make it easier for you. Feel free to check out our other guides for Manor Lords below!
- Manor Lords: How to Get Clothing Stalls
- How to Hire Mercenaries in Manor Lords
- Manor Lords: Should You Burn Your Fields And Why?