Manor Lords is all about replayability, and one of the main ways in which you can change up each new playthrough is by focusing on different development trees. These trees provide you with significant upgrades, either by unlocking new buildings or by improving the efficiency of your current ones. The only way to get these effects is by spending Development points, which you only have a limited amount of, forcing you to pick some of the permanent upgrades while leaving the rest behind either for another region or playthrough entirely.
Even your first choice in each new game is going to have a huge butterfly effect on your entire campaign, so it's important to know what kind of tech upgrades are available and how they work. In this article, we are going to list all of the upgrades you can find on the Development tree in Manor Lords and what they do!

Manor Lords: List of all Development Bonuses
The Manor Lords Development tree is separated into four different categories, each providing bonuses to a certain industry within your settlement. These four categories are Farming, Gathering, Industry, and Trade, and each one of them has its own unique bonuses which can be unlocked by spending Development Points. Here are all of the tech upgrades and bonuses that can be unlocked in the Manor Lords Development tree:

- Orchardry: Adds new backyard extension: Apple Orchard. Apple harvests happen around September each year.
- Rye Cultivation: Unlocks Rye crop for fields. Similar to Wheat, it can be processed to Flour, but it's more resilient and therefore can be grown in places with lower fertility.
- Irrigation: Dramatically lowers the amount of damage caused by droughts.
- Sheepbreeding: Sheep grazing on the pastures slowly multiply.
- Heavy Plow: Adds a plowing station to Farmhouses. Enables employing Oxen at the Farmhouse for significantly faster plowing of large fields, as well as bringing crops back to storage more efficiently.
- Fertilization: Allows you to use a Fallow field as a Pasture, which rapidly restores lost Fertililty.
- Bakeries: Produces Bread from Flour with twice the efficiency of the communal oven. Converts all inhabitants to Artisans, locking them from being assigned to other jobs.

- Trapping: Enables hunters to skillfully lay traps in the forest, which give a passive income of Meat.
- Advanced Skinning: Doubles the amount of meat harvested by hunters.
- Pelt Extraction: Hunters also collect Hides from traps.
- Forest Management: Doubles the capacity of all Berry Deposits.
- Beekeeping: New Building: Apiary. Workers collect Honey. Every region can sustain up to 2 Apiaries by default, placing more will not increase the yields.
- Advanced Beekeeping: Enables the beekeepers to also collect Wax.

- Charcoal Burning: New building: Charcoal Kiln. Charcoal Kilns convert 1 Firewood into 2 Charcoal, making refueling twice as efficient.
- Deep Mining: Enables the building to extract resources indefinitely if placed over a rich deposit.
- Basic Armormaking: Enables blacksmiths to craft Helmets. Converts all inhabitans to Artisans, locking them from being assigned to other buildings.
- Advanced Armormaking: Enables blacksmiths to craft Mail Armor, which can be used to equip citizens of Burgage Plots of Level 3 and above, or promoting new Retinue.
- Master Armormaking: Enables blacksmiths to craft Plate Armor, which can in turn be used to upgrade the Retinue.

- Foreign Suppliers: New Building: Firewood Cart. A permanent market stall, which provides a passive income of Firewood, as long as the region has enough Regional Wealth. Region does not pay the Transport Fee. Must be placed on the Marketplace.
New Building: Food Cart. A permanent market stall, which provides a passive income of Bread, as long as the region has enough Regional Wealth. Region does not pay the Transport Fee. Must be placed on the Marketplace. - Better Deals: Removes the tariff from foreign imports, effectively reducing all import prices by 10.
- Trade Logistics: Establishing a new Trade Route always costs a maximum of 25 Regional Wealth.
And that is the full list of tech upgrades and bonuses that you can unlock in Manor Lords. Make sure to spend your Development Points carefully as each region can only have up to 6 points before you reach the final level of your settlement. Experimenting and finding the right playstyle through these upgrades is going to make the game a lot more enjoyable, so make sure to read and play around with all of these bonuses. For more Manor Lords news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of our website!