Manor Lords has caught the eye of many gamers, becoming one of the most anticipated games of 2024. Although the game was due for a late 2023 release date, Slavic Magic delayed the launch. The developers wanted to work out some bugs and issues before unrolling the early access.

So far the game has had great hype due to the amazing beauty Manor Lords previewed. Making gridless city-building simple is no small task yet so far it seems Slavic Magic has done it right. We will have to wait for the release before we can make an informed decision but if what we have seen is anything to go by, Manor Lords might be worth all the hype.
Manor Lords: Release Date and Platforms
While Manor Lords is coming to PC and Xbox Series X/S, it seems console players will have to wait a while. Slavic Magic has said they have plans to release the game on Xbox soon but have yet to announce an exact date. They have announced that early access to Manor Lords will be available exclusively on PC on April 26. Manor Lords will be available on the Game Pass for all PC users from day one.

Manor Lords: Gameplay
With the early access for Manor Lords coming around the corner, let's look at what we expect from the strategy game.
Dive into life around the 14th century. At the pinnacle of the medieval era of human history, you will create towns and cities in the new gridless building system. You will create trade routes, plow fields, herd sheep, and far more.
Witness the strife of the people in your care as you experience the different seasons. Dealing with bandits will be the least of your worries. You are going to struggle to survive your first winter like many did in history.

Take control of your forces in real-time battles. Manor Lords combines city-building simulation and historically realistic strategy. You will train units, build siege equipment, and develop tactics for large-scale battles. Your job will be everything a lord had to do in medieval times. You will have to do all of this while making sure your settlement is growing organically.

That is everything we know about the release dates for Manor Lords and what we can expect from the gameplay. As we get closer to April 26, we hope to see more about the game and understand if there will be any storyline or endgame. I hope this helped. Check out the Manor Lords trailer below.