In the fast-paced world of Modern Warfare 3, mastering your arsenal goes beyond the basics. The introduction of Conversion Kits adds a whole new layer to the art of Gunsmithing, offering players the chance to change their weapons into entirely new ones. In this guide, we'll go over what these Conversion Kits are, how you can unlock them, and we will list every known aftermarket part in Modern Warfare 3:

What Are Conversion Kits?
Unlike standard Gunsmith modifications, Conversion Kits take weapon customization to new heights. They go beyond simple tweaks, offering a comprehensive remodeling of a weapon. This advanced level of Gunsmithing often leads to the creation of some of the most powerful and effective variants of guns within the game.

Once a weapon reaches its peak level, you will receive additional challenges, allowing you to unlock the specific Conversion Kit for that gun. These challenges are often pretty basic (Get 25 Kills while hip firing or using Tac-Stance) and are not going to take much time to finish. Here is a list of all conversion kits available in Modern Warfare 3:
Conversion Kit |
Weapon |
JAK Heretic Carbine Kit |
MTZ-762 Battle Rifle |
JAK Raven Kit |
MCW Assault Rifle |
Broodmother .45 Kit |
JAK Annihilator Bullpup Kit |
Pulemyot 762 LMG |
XRK IP-V2 Conversion Barrel |
COR-45 Handgun |
JAK Ferocity Carbine Kit |
Renetti Handgun |
MCW 6.8 Full-Auto Conversion Kit |
MCW 6.8 Marksman Rifle |
What Are Aftermarket Parts?
Aftermarket parts follow a similar concept to conversion kits but focus solely on attachments. These attachments bring unique advantages to your weapons, further refining your playstyle. Much like conversion kits, limited-time challenges accompany some aftermarket parts. You can find them in the Armoury Unlock system. Here are all of the aftermarket parts in Modern Warfare 3:
Aftermarket Part |
Weapon |
Cronen Intlas MSP-12 |
Universal |
Intlas CAS-14 |
Universal |
WSP Akimbo Brace Stocks |
WSP Swarm SMG |
That is everything you need to know about Conversion Kits and Aftermarket Parts in Modern Warfare 3. Understanding how these modifications to your arsenal work is going to be key in unlocking some of the strongest weapons and attachments in the game. Hopefully this guide has helped you find the perfect Gunsmith options for your playstyle. If you are interested in more Modern Warfare 3 content, check out the rest of our website!