MultiVersus Patch 1.02 is finally here, and we can't get enough of it! So far, the developers of MultiVersus have delivered two patches, and both of them have brought immense changes to the game. Ever since the release of the game, there have been some complaints on multiple platforms about certain bugs and problems with the game.
The good news is that the issues are constantly being reworked and fixed, giving us plenty of reasons to continue enjoying MultiVersus. With Patch 1.02, we definitely have the opportunity to explore some massive updates that are aimed at creating a more balanced gameplay experience for all of us. Let's take a look at all the updates, nerfs, and bug fixes in MultiVersus Patch 1.02!
Table of Contents
MultiVersus Patch 1.02 General Updates & Bug Fixes

From now on, all characters incur a 15-frame repeat-move lockout on their ground-side attack combo, and the camera minimal distance in 1v1 is considerably increased. Air Walker is now limited to one user per airtime; spawning a platform consumes an air evade, and LeBron can spawn a platform even without his basketball.
You also don't have to worry about only seeing the cosmetics that you don't own in MultiVersus. There is a brand new feature showing you every single Banner, Badge, Rinout, and Announcer Packs both owned and not. Additionally, there were two massive bugs causing the matches to Desync, as well as issues where parrying an attack would not always function, and they are now all completely fixed.
MultiVersus Patch 1.02 Character Changes

MultiVersus Patch 1.02 brought many changes to the table, mostly when it comes to the characters. A lot of them received massive nerfs in this update, but there are others that were in desperate need of a few buffs. Fortunately, the developers delivered what we needed! The updated characters in MultiVersus Patch 1.02 are as follows:
Character Buffs:
- Jason
- Velma
Character Nerfs:
- Banana Guard
- Black Adam
- Gizmo
- Reindog
- Shaggy
- Superman
- The Joker
- Wonder Woman
- Tom & Jerry
Character Reworks:
- Bugs Bunny
- Garnet
- Harley
- Iron Giant
- Taz
- Morty
With Superman and Wonder Woman dominating the game until this point, there was barely any balance when it came to character selection. However, the developers have taken on the task of delivering a more enjoyable and fair gameplay experience in the new update of Multiversus. Let's take a look at all the changes in detail!
MultiVersus Patch 1.02 Buffed Characters
Jason Voorhees

Jason's might be one of the slowest characters in the game but he's definitely one of the best fighters. He had a small issue with his Ground Dash Attack but he is now able to block projectiles like never before!
Ground Dash Attack
- Projectile block ability ⇒ fixed

Velma's main role has always been to support her teammates during battles. Her abilities are strong, and she can hit opponents repeatedly, dealing a good amount of damage. In Patch 1.02, she received some major buffs that can definitely make her a more desirable character.
Ground Side Attack
- Combos ⇒ more reliable
Air/Ground Neutral Attack
- Hitbox ⇒ covers her arm and head
- Automatic target ⇒ removed
Air Up/Down Attack
- Movement control ⇒ increased
- Movement control ⇒ increased
Air/Ground Down Special
- Cooldown ⇒ reduced to 80s
Air Side Special
- Movement control ⇒ increased
MultiVersus Patch 1.02 Nerfed Characters
Banana Guard

Banana Guard is a Bruiser who focuses on utilizing his simple moveset to buff himself and score knockouts. The aim of the nerf that he received in MultiVersus Patch 1.02 is to make him a little bit more compatible with other characters in the game, so they can compete equally.
Ground Side Special
- Active hitbox window ⇒ reduced by 2 frames
Black Adam

Black Adam is overall a very strong character in MultiVersus. In the beginning, he used to be a D-tier character, but with time, he managed to climb up the charts, and he has a good pick rate in the game. However, players felt like he was becoming too strong, so he needed a few nerfs for the new Patch 1.02.
Ground Side Attack 1
- Jump branch window ⇒ delayed by 6 frames
Ground Side Attack 2
- Jump branch window ⇒ delayed by 8 frames

Gizmo is a great character for support. He specializes in area denial, and he can create large popcorn clouds. However, players were complaining about him being too powerful, so a few nerfs were definitely needed.
Ground Side Attack 2
- Dodge branch window ⇒ delayed by 10 frames
- Knockback ⇒ no terrain bounce
Air/Ground Neutral Attack
- On-whiff branch window ⇒ delayed by 8 frames
- Cooldown ⇒ no longer refunded
Ground Side Special
- Car HP 8 ⇒ 10
- Car explosion hitbox size ⇒ reduced
- Car max overheat duration ⇒ reduced
- Cooldown ⇒ increased
Air Side Special
- Umbrella Float ⇒ active upon attack whiffs

Reindog provides considerable support and protection for his teammates. Moreover, he can easily disrupt enemy attacks by trying to interfere with his teammate's combos. However, to achieve more balanced gameplay, the developers needed to add some nerfs to the character.
Ground Side Attack 1
- Jump branch window ⇒ delayed by 6 framed

Shaggy is great when it comes to getting close and personal with opponents. However, most of his attacks are basic melee strikes. There was a problem where he could float away while charging rage under certain conditions, but it is now taken care of, and we can enjoy winning fights with Shaggy again.
Ground Side Attack
- Jump Branch ⇒ delayed by 11 frames
- Air/Ground Neutral Special ⇒ fixed

Superman is not only DC's strongest character but also one of the best in MultiVersus. It's not very surprising to see him in the A and S-tier categories, as he is insanely strong and difficult to deal with. His Ground Side Attack needed a nerf urgently because players were having too much trouble fighting against him.
Ground Side Attack 3
- Jump & Dodge during rapid jab ⇒ removed
The Joker

Maybe the Joker wasn't as powerful as we expected him to be in MultiVersus, but he still has some solid moves and combos that could be valuable in a fight. However, his Air Side Special was the only attack that was considered incompatible with the other characters. Thankfully, it's now fixed.
Air Side Special
- On-whiff branch window ⇒ delayed by 5 frames
Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman is an extremely balanced character with amazing long-range abilities and good close-range sword combo setups. Her whip can travel almost half the arena, and it can pull in opponents to increase the damage of the combos. However, she was still a little bit too powerful, and she needed a nerf for her Passive.
- Brace Meter ⇒ resents upon ring out
Tom & Jerry

Although Tom & Jerry are difficult to master and require a lot of experience, it is definitely worth learning how to operate them in a fight. They are the best when it comes to tricks, and they stay true to their reputation from the beloved animation. The new Patch 1.02 brought the following changes:
Ground Side Attack 2/3
- Hitstun ⇒ reduced
MultiVersus Patch 1.02 Reworked Characters
Bugs Bunny

In MultiVersus, Bugs Bunny relies heavily on his famous traps, and the result is often a hilarious knockdown! You can dig a hole and quickly teleport behind your enemy, or you can launch a rocket projectile to push them off the stage. Bugs Bunny had only a small bug where he could cancel hitstun by jumping a certain way, but it's now fixed.
Ground Down Special
- Jump Bug ⇒ fixed

Garnet is not the easiest character to master, but she's definitely a great choice. In theory, she's a Bruiser who excels at horizontal damage, but she is actually much more of a Tank-type character. She only needed a small adjustment when it came to her knockback angle.
Air/Ground Side Special
- Knockback Angle ⇒ more vertical

Harley Quinn is one of the best characters in MultiVersus. Just like in the movies, she is the perfect mixture of insanity and powerful moves. She is definitely worth playing in every match. However, her Slide and Up attacks were granting her very easy combos, and she needed some balance.
Ground Up Attack
- Base knockback ⇒ increased to 1800
- On-hit branch window ⇒ delayed by 10 frames
Ground Down Attack
- Start-up window ⇒ increased
- Hitstun ⇒ reduced
- Maximum movement ⇒ reduced by 15%
- Collisions ⇒ ignored
- Leg hurt box size ⇒ increased
Iron Giant

Although Iron Giant is not the fastest character, he is extremely powerful and has a lot of potential in the right hands. He was recently pulled back into maintenance by the developers, but he is back and ready to fight. Iron Giant received both nerfs and buffs in the new update, and there were two bugs fixed: fighters are now immediately released when he performs an emote and when he leaves the ground.
- Damage absorb: 80% ⇒ 60%
- Rage meter: 30% ⇒ 35%
- Defensive burst cooldown: 29s ⇒ 25s
- Defensve burst knockback ⇒ more horizontal
- Defensive burst knockback ⇒ reduced
Ground Down Attack
- Knockback angle ⇒ more horizontal
Ground Side Special
- Grab release knockback ⇒ slightly smaller
- Grab release hitstun ⇒ reduced
- Start-up window ⇒ increased
- Armor ⇒ applied early
Rage Mode Ground Down Attack
- Infinite traps ⇒ removed
Rage Mode Air/Ground Up Attack
- Cooldown ⇒ increased

Taz is a Bruiser who is one of the easier characters to pick up in MultiVersus. Although most of his kit is fairly balanced, the developers saw that he needed a slight increase in his hitbox size and a nerf that doesn't allow him to infinitely trap his enemies.
Air Down Attack
- Hitbox size ⇒ increased
- Repeat-move lockout ⇒ nerfed

Morty is not the best choice when it comes to 1v1 fights, but he's great in 2v2 mode. He usually cannot rank higher than the upper B-tier category, but in the right hands, he could be extremely powerful. The new MultiVersus Patch 1.02 brought some bug fixes for Morty, hoping to make him a more desirable choice for players.
Air/Ground Neutral Attack
- Grenade lock-on ⇒ fixed
Ground Side Attack
- Jump & Dodge ⇒ fixed

It's important to note that MultiVersus is always changing and evolving. That's why it's important to experiment with different characters until you find your MultiVersus soulmate! Don't hesitate to try out the characters that received some nerfs; they were simply too powerful, and the changes were made to achieve a more balanced gameplay experience.
One of the best things about the new MultiVersus Patch 1.02 is that we get to play Iron Giant again! He was taken back for maintenance for a while, but we are happy to have him back as powerful as ever. Have fun and good luck on your next adventure! For more information about MultiVersus, you can check out this article.