In the gripping conclusion of the Zombies campaign in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, face the ultimate challenge – the Defeat Zakhaev mission. This epic showdown encapsulates all your struggles on the main map, culminating in a colossal boss battle against Zakhaev.
Defeat Zakhaev Walkthrough:
Mission Start
Like Shepherd and Extraction, locate the Exfil icon, featuring a running person with a star, ensuring it says "Defeat Zakhaev."

Orange Zone Arrival
Enter an Orange Zone with 45 minutes to complete the mission. Use the buildings as cover while fighting mercenaries and zombies on your way to the factory.

Factory Encounter
Upon reaching the factory, find the Aetherium Enrichment Device. Expect a skirmish with mercenaries; clear the room and plant explosives on the device.

Making Your Way to the Neutralizer
Head to the marked Neutralizer location, combating waves of enemies. Take your time, use cover wisely, and consider buying supplies if needed.

Neutralizer Activation
Eliminate guarding mercenaries before activating the Neutralizer. Power it up to initiate the final phase, ensuring you have ample supplies.

Final Phase Challenges
Destroy an attack helicopter, interrupted by the appearance of Orcus. The epic boss battle begins against the giant worm, Orcus. Use buildings as cover, employ the Wunderwaffle DG-2 for zombies, and arm yourself with a Ray Gun.

Orcus Attacks
Orcus utilizes various attacks, including a Slam Attack, digging into the ground and reappearing, a Laser Attack, and shooting orbs. Seek refuge inside buildings to block most attacks and prevent zombie swarming.


Congratulations! With the completion of the Defeat Zakhaev mission, you've earned the exclusive Bone Collector skin.

The story mode's final cutscene teases more adventures in the Dark Aether Saga. Prepare for the next chapter as you continue your journey through Modern Warfare 3 Zombies. Happy hunting!