Blizzard have just revealed the brand new expansion for World of Warcraft - The War Within. This is the tenth expansion of the biggest MMO in the world and it comes with most of the things you would expect, as well as some brand new mechanics and features. Here is everything we know about the newest installment of this epic saga.
Here is everything we know about the newest expansion - 'The War Within'.
New Zone - Azj-Kahet
As you might have expected, there will be a brand new continent arriving for you to explore. This continent will have a few new zones in which will be able to quest, explore and do all different kinds of activities. The first zone showed is Azj-Kahet.

New Zone - Isle of Dorn
The second zone that was shown in the showcase was the Isle of Dorn. This zone seems much more colorful and might be the home of our main base of operations above ground. Definitely one of the more regular zones featured in this expansion.

New Zone - The Ringing Deeps
The ringing deeps is the third zone shown in the showcase. Not much can be made out from the trailer, but the zone looks to serve as a middle grounds between the overworld and underworld of the new continent.

New Zone - Hallowfall
The last zone that we can see is Hallowfall. This zone really reminds us of some of the old Northrend zones like Howling Fjord, as well as Stormheim from Legion. Definitely one of the more visually interesting zones shown in the trailer.

New Expansion Mechanic - Delve
One of the new mechanics introduced in 'The War Within' is Delve. In this new evergreen feature you will be able to explore instanced content alone or with your friends. You will be able to go beneath ground in the search of treasure chests, which will award you with epic end-game loot!

New Expansion Mechanics - Warbands
The next expansion mechanic that we have been introduced to are warbands. This will be an account-wide feature that will help you earn rewards for your alts. While we don't know how exactly it will work, we know that systems like Renown, Achievements and collections will be affected.

New Class Mechanics - Hero Talents
Hero talents will provide further customization of your class. Two new talent trees will be available for each specialization of a class. This will help you create the perfect playstyle of your favorite class.

New Playable Allied Race - Earthen
A brand new allied race joins the fray. The Earthen are a titan-forged race made by living stone and imbued with the essence of Azeroth's Worldsoul. This new race will be unlocked by completing the main quest campaign in 'The War Within'.

Updates To Flying - New Dynamic Flying
We don't know much about the new flying mechanics coming to 'The War Within' but from the trailer it looks like we will have a lot of new abilities to play around with. It seems like Dragonriding will be back better than ever.

New Dungeons and Raids
As with every new WoW expansion, there will be wide range of new dungeonds and raids. The first raid seems to be dealing with Xal'Atath's motives. The new standart seems to be set at eight new dungeons and one raid at the start of the expansion.

New Expansion 'The War Within' Release Window
The exact release date for the expansion has not been announced yet, but we do know which season it will be. World of Warcraft 'The War Within' will be released in Fall 2024. This means that we will be exploring all of these new zones and mechanics somewhere between September 23rd - December 22nd.
While the release date of the expansion is basically a year from now, there will be a lot of new content to play in the brand new 10.2 update coming next week.