No Rest for the Wicked has recently become a hot topic in the online gaming discourse, as it manages to effortlessly combine many mechanics from some of the most innovative titles in the last few years. With a soulslike combat system, as well as resource gathering, crafting, and housing, Moon Studios is attempting to push the genre into more moment-to-moment gameplay rather than the fast-paced chaos of something like Path of Exile. Many of the systems that are derived from the Dark Souls series are used to help move the game in this direction, but most of them are also a little different than what you might expect from FromSoftware's catalogue of games.
Fast travel is one of these systems, and while at first glance it might seem like No Rest for the Wicked is using the typical 'bonfire' system of the Souls games, it does work differently. In this article, we are going to explain how the fast travel system works in No Rest for the Wicked and how you can use it to your advantage.
How does Fast Travel Work in No Rest for the Wicked?

In No Rest for the Wicked, you are only able to fast travel between the main city of Sacrament and the last Whisper you have interacted with. You are not able to select a location to teleport to, and you will often have to physically walk to the different regions around the map. Luckily, the game has some amazing level design filled with shortcuts (if you have kicked down the ladders and bridges), and you can pretty much walk to any point on the map relatively quickly. If you thoroughly explore all of the different zones, you are going to make your future navigation around the world a lot easier and less time-consuming.
A common strategy that you can also use is only interacting with the furthest Whispers possible, which will allow you to have a quick way of reaching any location on the map. You can also pick up a Rune with the Return ability from the Enchanter in Sacrament and place it on your offhand weapon, which will give you the ability to teleport back to the main city for a small amount of Focus.

Whether or not the current fast travel system will remain the same throughout early access remains to be seen, but it's clear that Moon Studios want you to naturally interact and move through the world they created. Creating a mental map of the world around you and managing to navigate through it is a very old-school way of level design that is likely to remain quite polarizing, so we will see how it will be iterated upon in the next few months of development.
That is everything you need to know about the current fast travel system in No Rest for the Wicked. In the current early access build of the game, you can reach any location on the map fairly quickly, and fast traveling is just an extra layer of convenience. For more No Rest for the Wicked news and guides, check out the rest of our website!