No Rest for the Wicked is primarily an ARPG, but it combines a ton of popular systems from many different genres. Slow and methodical combat combined with the dopamine of finding the perfect gear from a randomized pool of items is not something that you see every day. On top of that, you also have crafting, housing, and upgrading, which all require their own set of resources and materials in order to progress your character and realm.
The combination of looting gear for your character, resources for upgrading the town, as well as many different crafting materials will quickly fill up your inventory if you don't actually upgrade its capacity. Here is how you can increase your inventory size in No Rest for the Wicked.
How to Increase Your Inventory Size in No Rest for the Wicked

In No Rest for the Wicked, you are able to increase your inventory size by finding an item called Plague Ichor and bringing it to The Watcher, who stands on top of the Rookery in the city of Sacrament. You will first be introduced to this mechanic after defeating Warrick the Torn, which is the first major boss in the game. He will drop one Plague Ichor, and you will be able to choose between one of eight different upgrades for your character. Four of these upgrades will be able to increase your inventory size, and you will be able to choose one of them each time you bring back a Plague Ichor. Here are the upgrades:
- +5 Gear Inventory Slots
- +5 Item Inventory Slots
- +5 Resource Inventory Slots
- +5 Misc Inventory Slots
- +1 Tool Slot
- +1 Ring Slot
- +1 Offhand Slot
- +1 Mainhand Slot
Choosing any of these four options will change the '?' slots in your inventory to actual space which you can use to store more items. We recommend focusing on expanding the Gear and Resource sections first, as those are the two item types that you will be collecting the most in No Rest for the Wicked.
How to Get More Plague Ichor in No Rest for the Wicked

Plague Ichor only drops from the strongest enemies in the game, which are typically bosses and mini-bosses. All of the major story bosses in No Rest for the Wicked will drop one Plague Ichor, including Warrick the Torn, Falstead Darak, and the Raven Twins. Weekly bounties that require you to deal with stronger enemies and mini-bosses could also reward you with Plague Ichor, so make sure to check out what kind of tasks Randolph has this week in Sacrament.
The last way to get Plague Ichor is a bit more random, but there are certain mini-bosses in the open world that can drop it. I received another one by revisiting the first arena in which I fought Falstead Darak (after completing the main story), and there was a new enemy that replaced him and dropped one. I can't confirm whether or not there are any more enemies like that or if it was a random event, but it does exist. So, here are the ways in which you can get some more Plague Ichor in No Rest for the Wicked:
- Defeating Major Bosses
- Defeating Weekly Bounty Mini-bosses
- Defeating Some Open-world Mini-bosses
Once you get some more Plague Ichor, don't forget to go back to the Watcher at the Rookery to upgrade your inventory size. More inventory space means more loot to pick up, and that is one of the main things we love doing in ARPGs. If you are interested in more No Rest for the Wicked news or guides, check out our dedicated section on the website!