Sombra's unique playstyle has always sparked debates among players in the Damage roster. Unlike other heroes, she avoids direct confrontations and heavily relies on her hacking, repositioning, and invisibility skills to keep enemies off balance. However, her presence away from the front lines and heavy dependency on the EMP ability often led to frustrating experiences for both her teammates and opponents alike.
As the Overwatch 2 developers vowed to address these issues, players began speculating about the potential changes. One keen-eyed user even noticed alterations to Sombra's translocator in a recent promotional video, further fueling the anticipation for her rework.

In a recent Director's Take by Aaron Keller, valuable insights into upcoming changes for existing heroes were shared. Tanks are receiving buffs and nerfs, while Cassidy's grenade will be adjusted. However, the most exciting revelation was that Sombra would be receiving some minor changes in the next season, followed by a significant rework in Season 7, introducing a brand new ability.
While Season 7 is still some time away, fans can hope for more detailed information about the full extent of Sombra's rework soon, especially as the developers might showcase her intriguing new ability.
In the meantime, Overwatch 2 players can look forward to an eventful Season 6, which promises to be the game's most significant one yet, according to the developers. Additionally, the much-anticipated PvE story missions are set to arrive on August 10, providing a glimpse into what the future of Overwatch 2 holds.