Due to the nerfs to supports, the DPS meta has undergone significant changes, with damage dealers now having additional opportunities to excel. However, some damage dealing heroes appear to struggle in adapting to the evolving trend of favoring faster brawl team compositions. You can take a look at our review of the current DPS standings so you can have a better understanding of what is viable so you can dominate your opponents in style.
F Tier DPS Heroes

With Pharah's big hitbox, and despite Illari's nerf, she is an easy target. She currently relies on Mercy to be viable so hopefully she receives a rework in the future as to become more relevant in the meta.

With the lack of utility and sustainability, Reaper simply does not bring enough to the table. His Shadow Step is useless most of the match but it can be used to bait people so your team has a chance to get some crucial picks.
D Tier DPS Heroes

With Junkrat offering a high skill expression, currently he is facing difficulties in dealing with the best tanks this season as open spaces and high grounds are hindering his effectiveness. You can best utilize him by hard focusing tanks, playing the flank or going for one-shot kills onto the enemy team.
C Tier DPS Heroes

With her recent buffs, allowing her to use her ultimate more often and her SMG dealing more damage, she can be quite a threat to the enemy team, but she suffers from being very easy to counter as her relevancy in select maps are what keep her in the C Tier.
Widow's Kiss
- Unscoped shots to reach maximum spread increased from 3 to 7.
- Ultimate cost reduced 10%.

With the hero being fairly well-balanced, he does not have any standout qualities in comparison to other better choices. His Magnetic Grenade was recently nerfed as well.
- Cooldown increased from 10 to 12 seconds.
He is outclassed in terms of damage, speed, and utilities as he also can be very easily shut down as engages have grown to become quite hard. Although not a terrible pick, Cassidy certainly has more left to be desired.

Currently she suffers from applying consistent pressure to the enemy backline despite her new rework making her more lethal. Even though supports have been nerfed they still can handle a 1v1 against Sombra if they have all of their cooldowns available. She received a buff to her EMP.
- Ultimate cost decreased 10%.
A good counter to heroes like Doomfist, Wrecking Ball, and Genji, as she can be a nuisance and prevent players from playing aggressively. Sombra can offer great utilities and with her ultimate charging up faster she is not to be disregarded as her duelling capabilities can be very well utilized gain the upper edge in a crucial situation.
B Tier DPS Heroes

With the meta moving away from spam compositions, his kit still offers a great counter to dive teams. His overload damage can quite a punch, but it's not enough to handle the top tanks like Sigma and Doomfist.

Unlike Torbjörn, she is a great matchup against Sigma and Doomfist, and with the nerfs to Bastion and Illari her Ice Wall can be remain longer in games. Her Endothermic Blaster received a nerf as well.
- Slow effect decreased from 40 to 30%.
In terms of teamplay, you need to follow your team's tempo otherwise the lack of cordination can hinder your effectiveness as that could mean the difference between victory or defeat in crucial situations. With supports having more options of nullifying her ultimate, she can rarely influence a teamfight consistently enough to shift the tides.

Certainly a hero with enough power to be a very dangerous threat, but is lacking in some aspects that stop him from being an absolute monster. His vulnerabilities lies in facing dive and rush compositions. His reliance on positioning and accuracy are what drive him down to B Tier, although he is not to be underestimated.

With her losing 25 HP, she has seen a drop in her aggressive playstyle as she can be easily punished and picked off with her big hitbox.
- Base shield health reduced from 125 to 100 (total 200 HP).
She will be unable to utilize her close-range capabilities as efficiently, with Blizzard wanting her to use her long-range secondary fire as well.

Soldier: 76
A classic pick that does his job well with his kit being just enough to outclass Cassidy. A great pick for covering angles, this hero is able to quickly position himself and gain the upperhand in critical moments with his consistent DPS being a hallmark for the game's lifecycle. He is not ideal, however, he can still be a reliable choice, especially on Busan.

Her unmatched burst damage is a game changer as her ability to counter heroes like Sigma or Illari. Despite being a flying hero which limits her effectiveness on the map she is currently on, she makes up for it with peel and damage mitigation.
A Tier DPS Heroes

A great pick into brawl compositions, her damage output is insane. Both B.O.B. and her Dynamite can punish Lucio as she does a fantastic job at surviving and punishing dive heroes.

Her fast-paced playstyle has seen some love recently with Torbjörn not looking so hot right now, and the support nerfs allowing her to more easily pick off and badly positioned players. She excels at destroying enemy structures, but still remains suboptimal against Jungle Queen and Kiriko compositions.

Reaping the benefits from the support nerfs, he is a great choice to deal with their utilities as his flexibility in compositions makes up for the inconsistent DPS. He is best used aggressively as a passive playstyle might hinder him from being relevant during matches.

An ideal pick in helping rush compositions further steamroll the enemy team. His recent nerfs have toned him down a bit as he is no longer dominating the S Tier ranks.
Configuration: Assault
- Cooldown increased from 10 to 12 seconds.
- Weapon spread increased 10%.
Due to his meta relavancy, more strategies have evolved into countering him. Players will start picking up other more potent carries as the meta adjusts to the recent changes.
S Tier DPS Heroes

She has everything a primary damage dealer needs as her kit has effective spam, pick potential and mobility that allows her to escape engages and jump into action quickly as well. High ground access elevates her above Ashe and Soldier: 76, her skill expression rewards great plays as mastering her abilities will lead to winning outcomes.
Overall, the recent changes have shifted the top tier heroes around with Bastion not being a must-pick in all compositions, allowing for Sojourn to shine as the best damage hero currently. The meta right now seems to revolving around brawler compositions with dive heroes being a bit weaker than usual but still very effective at impacting crucial scenarios.
You can learn even more about this tierlist by reviewing our video here: