Mirrorwatch is here! Overwatch 2's multiverse has cracked open, introducing new versions of our favorite well-known characters. Until May 13, players can participate in the first event of Season 10, where heroes and villains switch places.
The Mirrorwatch game mode follows the typical 5v5 role queue format. Players will need to adapt quickly to the newly reworked heroes and their abilities. Alongside the new Mirrorwatch-themed skins, Overwatch's characters also gain new powers that match their altered personas. Below is a list of all the reworked hero abilities. Discover what they are and prepare for your Mirrorwatch games!
Overwatch 2 Season 10: All Reimagined Abilities

Strike Commander Ogundimu (Doomfist)

Seismic Slam - UPDATED
- Leap and smash the ground. Grant overhealth to self and nearby allies when leaping.

Power Block - UPDATED
- Project a shield that blocks frontal attacks. Blocking heavy damage empowers Rocket Punch.

Meteor Strike - UPDATED
- Press Q to leap up into the air. Move the targeting circle, then press (LMB) to strike the targeted area and grant allies overhealth.

Fallen Knight Reinhardt

Barrier Field - UPDATES
- Hold Secondary Fire to deploy a frontal energy barrier that increases the damage of allied projectiles. Increase movement speed upon breaking.

Earthshatter - UPDATED
- Knock down all enemies in a narrow path in front of you.
NEW - Frenzy (Passive)
- Damage from Rocket Hammer increases attack speed.

Talon Zarya

Particle Cannon - UPDATED
- Primary fire fires a short-range linear beam. Secondary fire shoots piercing energy orbs in a straight line.

Particle Barrier - UPDATED
- Damage blocked by barriers increases Particle Cannon damage. Barriers knock back and damage enemies upon expiring.

Projected Barrier - UPDATED
- Create a damage barrier around an alley. Damage blocked by barriers increases Particle Cannon damage. Barriers knockback and damage enemies upon expiring.
NEW - Expulsion Zone
- Launch a gravity surge that pushes enemies away.

Gwishin Bastion

Configuration Recon - UPDATED
- Mobile, with a powerful shotgun.
NEW - Configuration Intel
- Reveal nearby enemies and increase attack and reload speed.

A-36 Tactical Grenade - UPDATED
- Fire a bomb that bounces off walls and explodes when it impacts enemies or the ground. Deal no damage to self.
NEW - Configuration: Reinforcement
- Become immobile and deploy up to 4 allied Slicers.

Blackwatch Echo

Sticky Bombs - UPDATED
- Fire a volley of homing sticky bombs that detonate after a delay.

Flight - UPDATED
- Fly forward quickly and then free-fly briefly. Damages and knock backs enemies.

Focusing Beam - UPDATED
- Channel a beam for a few seconds that slows enemies and deals very high damage to targets with less than half health.
NEW - Maximum Efficiency
- Increase attack speed and reduce all cooldowns.

Agent Colomar (Sombra)

- Hold to hack your allies and enemies. Hacked allies have an increased attack speed and overhealth. Hacked health packs spawn faster and can’t be used by enemies. Taking damage interrupts the hack attempt.

- Infect enemies with a projectile that deals damage over time and decreases their damage dealt. Virus damages hacked enemies at a faster rate.
NEW - Anti-Virus
- Grant health and increased attack speed to yourself and nearby allies.

Talon Tracer

- Teleport in the direction you are moving. Take damage to teleport additional times.
NEW – Bloodthirst
- After dealing enough continuous damage, attack speed is increased and damage steals health from enemies.

Captain Lacroix (Widowmaker)

Widow’s Kiss - UPDATED
- Primary Fire - Automatic assault weapon. Hold Secondary Fire for a long-ranged sniper weapon. Charged shots reveal enemies.
NEW - Silk Shield
- Place a protective barrier.

Infra-Sight - UPDATED
- Highlight weak points on enemies.

Arch-Commadant Amari (Ana)

Biotic Rifle - UPDATED
- Long-range rifle that heals allies and damages enemies instantaneously. Can headshot.

Biotic Grenade - UPDATED
- Throws a grenade that heals and increases healing on allies, while damaging and reducing healing.

Nano Boost - UPDATED
- Only used on yourself to reduce damage taken. Biotic Rifle increases ally healing and reduces enemy healing.
NEW – Lunge
- Double jump

Talon Brigitte

Repair Pack - UPDATED
- Heals an ally and grants them lifesteal.

Whip Shot - UPDATED
- Launch your flail forward to pull an enemy closer.

Barrier Shield - UPDATED
- Hold Secondary Fire to deploy a frontal energy barrier. Block damage to empower Shield Bash.

Shield Bash - UPDATED
- Available when Barrier Shield is deployed. Dash forward to knock back an enemy. When empowered, sets enemies on fire.

Vengence (Mercy)

Caduceus Staff - UPDATED
- Hold Primary Fire to heal an ally. Hold Secondary Fire to increase an ally’s damage inflicted and deal damage to nearby enemies over time.
NEW – Soul Burn
- Detonate a fallen ally or enemy.
NEW – Revenge
- Gain the ability to fly and fire rockets. Abilities are enhanced.

Z-3N Destroyer (Zenyatta)

Orb of Harmony - UPDATED
- Launch this orb at an ally to heal them. Deal damage to increase healing.

Orb of Discord - UPDATED
- Launch this orb at an enemy to increase the damage they take and deal additional damage over time.
NEW - Interdiction Zone
- Create a field that prevents enemies from using abilities.
Make sure to try out the newly reworked heroes and their unique abilities while the Mirrorwatch Event is still here! Have fun during Overwatch 2 Season 10! Check our website for more useful and up-to-date Overwatch 2 content.
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