During the first day of BlizzCon, Overwatch Game Director Aaron Keller took the stage to unveil the game's new PvP mode. Today, we've gained more insights into the upcoming features.
Learning from Previous Mistakes
In 2022, the 2CP (Assault) game mode was removed from Overwatch. This mode faced off two teams, one attempting to capture a control point while the other aimed to defend it. Criticized for its snowball potential and lack of tactical depth, Overwatch is now working on reintroducing a more refined and improved mode.
Clash introduces 5 control points, with each team initially possessing the nearest point to their side of the map. These points are arranged in a straight line on a mirrored map, as shown above. The point in the middle of the map is neutral - this is the point the two teams will be battling over.
When one team captures the point by standing on it, a new point will unlock in the direction of the losing team. Swapping possession of points will cause the game to shift back and forth, resulting in intriguing gameplay.
Capturing the initial first point, which belongs to the enemy team from the start of the game, will make you the winner.
Endgame / Winner
While winning involves capturing the opponent's control point, extended matches are avoided by incorporating a scoring system that ends the game after a set duration, with the team having the most points declared as the winner.