We have been eagerly awaiting more details on Venture ever since their announcement at BlizzCon 2023. As the first DPS hero to be released in Overwatch 2 since Sojourn, players have been anticipating learning more about their abilities. Although Venture is planned to join the game in Season 10, you will be able to try them out in an earlier play trial! Check out when Venture's trial will be and learn all about their abilities below!
Overwatch 2 New Damage Hero Venture:
Venture: Origin Story

Even though we've been hearing about Venture for a while, we still don't know much about them. Venture is the first non-binary hero in Overwatch 2 and is described as daring and adventurous. They are an archaeologist who clearly loves exciting journeys. We also know that they originate from Canada.
Venture: Abilities and Gameplay

The Venture trailer that Blizzard released today allowed us to see all their abilities in action. Venture's weapon, Smart Excavator, looks just like a drill and launches seismic charges. One of their coolest abilities is Burrow which allows them to move without being seen or receiving any damage. This would definitely upgrade gameplays with this hero as you will be able to avoid other's Ultimates and hide below them.
Tectonic Shock is Venture's Ultimate. They've got two passives Explorer's Resolve and Clobber which contribute to both their defense and offense. It seems like the new DPS hero will be great for close and mid-distance combat.

- Move underground and become invulnerable. Emerge to deal damage

Drill Dash
- Dash forward, pushing enemies back

Smart Excavator
- Launch a seismic charge that bursts after a short distance

Tectonic Shock
- Send out damaging shockwaves

Explorer's Resolve
- Using abilities grants temporary shields

- Quick melee deals more damage
Venture Play Trial Dates

As you may know, Season 10 of Overwatch 2 is starting soon, on April 16. Venture will be officially added to the game when the new season drops, but we will have the chance to try them out much earlier. From March 28 to March 31, you can test the new Damage Hero, Venture, during their limited-time trial. Play trials have been conducted before and have proven to be useful, as fans get to know the new characters and their playstyles early on.

If you saw the last Overwatch 2 developer update, you know that with the beginning of Season 10, all characters will be unlocked and playable for everyone for free. This applies not only to all existing heroes but also to those who will be released from now on. This, of course, means that Venture will also be completely free to play once they are released.
Make sure to try out Venture as soon as the limited-time play trial begins! Check our website for more useful and up-to-date Overwatch 2 content:
- Overwatch 2 Developer Update: All Heroes Unlocked, New Mythics Shop, New Maps, & More
- Overwatch 2 Season 9 DPS Tier List - All DPS Heroes Ranked