Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Overwatch 2's competitive scene? As the meta continues to evolve, it's essential to stay ahead of the game and understand the strengths and weaknesses of each hero. In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at the Season 6 Tank tier list, carefully dissecting each hero's performance, unique abilities, and their impact on the battlefield.
Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting your journey in Overwatch 2, join us as we explore the intricacies of the Tank heroes, uncover the surprises that the new meta brings, and reveal the key strategies that can elevate your gameplay to the next level. Here is our Tank tier list as well as the reasoning for the placements:
Tier | Heroes |
S Tier |
A Tier |
B Tier |
C Tier |
D Tier |
Season 6 Tank Tier List Reasoning:

Kicking things off with our worst tank in the detail, we have Roadhog. The poor guy has been the worst tank in the game for quite some time now. With how other heroes are being nerfed and buffed, he only continues to get weaker. Roadhog doesn't really offer much utility to his team other than his hook, which is super weak right now. Most heroes who like to play inside of his hook range are very mobile and almost impossible to hook. Previously easy matchups like Doomfist are now equal due to his increased mobility with Seismic Slam, helping him avoid their hook even easier. Along with the Doomfist buffs, the nerfs to Brigitte's barrier shield mean that the utility she brought to equalize Roadhog's lack of utility just took a big hit, making the synergy even worse. If you like Roadhog's aggressive playstyle and massive healing, you should definitely take a look into Junker Queen as she's similar to him and much better.

Sigma remains in the C tier due to no big changes to his place in the meta. His shield makes him a good situational pick on sniper maps such as Junkertown, but he's almost completely useless on control maps despite their enclosed control points. Accretion can be a good tool in close-range combat, but just like Roadhog's hook, most of the heroes who play at this range have no problem dodging with their mobility. Two mobile characters, Cassidy and Lifeweaver, have just received HP buffs that make Sigma's effectiveness even worse against even more of the roster. Things aren't looking good for Sigma right now, but a much better pick who plays like Sigma is Ramattra. They both succeed heavily on sniper maps, but unlike Sigma, Ramattra has an amazing pick on control maps.

Wrecking Ball
Finishing off our C tier, we have one of the most annoying tanks in the game: Wrecking Ball. While he is a pest, especially on maps like Lijiang Tower and Nepal, his strength is incredibly map-dependent. This makes Ball very impractical in the current meta as he struggles on most maps. He provides his team with no form of utility. His grappling claw, knockback, and pile driver are extremely easy to avoid, and heroes with any form of mobility have no issues against him. His ultimate may seem like his saving grace, but his mines only have 50 health, making them easy to clear for enemy heroes. Ball also doesn't counter any heroes explicitly but has several counters like Doomfist, Winston, D.Va, Tracer, Sombra, and Genji. A much better control pick is Orisa, as she offers defensive anti-dive utility that Ball lacks, along with a great point control ultimate.

Moving on to the better version of Reinhardt, we have Doomfist. His increased mobility from Seismic Slam's cooldown reduction helps him get access to key targets easier while avoiding important enemy abilities that interrupt his game plan like Roadhog's hook, Sigma's accretion, and Orisa's javelin throw. This block is also now a direct counter to Cassidy and Tracer thanks to the new effect of reducing damage from stuck projectiles and making him able to duel them with ease. The only thing keeping Doomfist out of the higher tiers is how exposed he leaves his team when going in for picks. If he dies while trying to get a pick or fails to do so, the enemy team can absolutely run over his team as they're left without a tank. This is the mistake I see so many Doomfist players make and it completely prevents them from reaching higher ranks.

Next up, we have D.Va. She's a stable pick that has great synergies with everyone, especially Tracer, and can be played on all maps. When her Matrix is up, she's super strong and this, along with the buff to her boosters, makes her even better. Appealing for her team, she also has good DPS from micro missiles and an amazing ult that enables her to consistently team wipe. Unfortunately, when her cooldowns are down, she's extremely abusable and offers her team no utility. It doesn't help her either that the best tanks in the meta right now are very anti-dive, like Winston and Junker Queen. If we could see some buffs to Genji, we could be looking at another dive meta coming back, which would easily put D.Va into one of the higher tiers again.

Reinhardt is doing great in the current close-range brawl meta and brings a ton of utility to his team with a 2083-buffed shield that makes it much harder to pressure neutral. He's good on open sniper maps like Junkertown and control maps like Nepal, making him a stable pick regardless of your map or your comp. His shatter makes it so that he has great synergies with most heroes, especially Reaper, who enables him to set up game-winning plays with ease. He's very easy to play but has high amounts of skill expression with his charge and fire strike, making him a fun hero to pick up and very rewarding to learn. The only thing keeping Reinhardt out of a higher tier are his direct counters like Junker Queen, Zarya, and Orisa, who have no problem fighting a Reinhardt and can create massive amounts of pressure despite his shield buffs.

Zarya remains in her spot at A tier with ease. She has great synergies with all the meta DPS picks like Tracer, Sombra, Cassidy, and Soldier, thanks to her shield allowing them to play aggressively. It's no secret that Graviton Surge is one of the most broken ultimates in the game and really doesn't need an explanation as for why she's one of the only tanks that can go toe-to-toe with the likes of Junker Queen or Ramattra, making her super valuable even on maps like Junkertown or Havana where she's weakest. Something a lot of Zarya players forget, though, is that she isn't very mobile. This causes them to get full charge and attempt to 1v5, which often ends up with them dead. Your main place as Zarya should be sticking next to at least one squishy target at all times, making sure you can help them with their shield, allowing you to empower both you and them most efficiently.

Next up, we have Winston, the resident "Space Monkey" of Overwatch. He brings a ton of utility to his team with his high mobility and 650 HP bubble. These two things combined directly counter dive heroes like D.Va, Genji, and Tracer, while also making him versatile on all maps thanks to his peel that outperforms even D.Va's. Winston truly shines on classic dive maps like Gibraltar, as he enables strong DPS heroes like Tracer and Soldier to play aggressively. Along with his high mobility and ult, this makes him one of the best team fighters in the game. He also works incredibly well into most of the newly buffed tanks like Orisa, Doomfist, Reinhardt, and Ramattra, setting him a cut above most tanks.

Moving on to the better version of Reinhardt, we have Orisa. Her fortifying Javelin spinner is absolutely broken in brawls and directly counters the strongest DPS heroes like Tracer, Sombra, and even Soldier with Visor. With her energy Javelin, she disables tanks like Doomfist and D.Va from diving her team, allowing her to peel for them extremely well. Fortify is one of the most broken abilities in the game, granting her 50 damage reduction for 4.5 seconds, allowing her to go head-to-head with the likes of Reinhardt and Junker Queen. It truly shines on control maps like Nepal, thanks to her ultimate that allows her to brute force points while also dealing up to 500 AOE damage, setting up for easy team wipes. The only thing keeping Orisa from the S tier is the fact that she's very immobile, making her weak when her Javelin spin is down. But by no means is she easy to kill and she more than deserves the spot at the top of the A tier.

There are no nerfs in sight for Junker Queen, so she still remains firmly placed in the S tier. Her whole kit is completely designed around close-range fiestas, which is exactly what the meta demands right now. She has tons of self-sustain thanks to her passive, and this allows her supports to focus a little more on her team than they could if they had any other tank. Her commanding shout makes her tanky and allows her to peel for her allies with its overheal and movement speed buff. She has equal matchups into Reinhardt and Ramattra but can struggle against Zarya and Orisa at times. A useful tip versus her hard matchups is to play around corners, poking them with your knife and farming ultimate charge until you're ready to engage with your team and run them over.

Finally, to finish off our tier list yet again, we have Ramattra. While Ramattra doesn't have much damage, he's the best tank in the game for creating pressure and he can be played in many versatile ways. He can offer lots of support in his omnic form to long-range heroes such as Ashe and Sojourn, thanks to his void barrier's peel. He also creates insane amounts of pressure in his Nemesis form thanks to his increased stats and his new block effect, allowing him to directly counter Tracer and Cassidy. This makes his already strong dueling power in Nemesis form even better. His ravenous Vortex allows him to counter dive and rush comps very effectively, making him extremely anti-meta and very good into the likes of Kiriko and Junker Queen.
His ultimate is an amazing ability with limited counterplay and incredible synergies with any hero in the game. This is ideal on control maps, but he's an unmatched pick on almost every single map, even sniper maps like Junkertown and Havana, thanks to his void barrier. He does struggle a bit against tanks such as Winston and Zarya when his Vortex is down, though. A useful tip to combat this is to only use Vortex defensively versus these heroes, as using it offensively has way more risk than it does reward. These things solidify Ramattra as the best tank in the meta for what seems like yet another season.