Overwatch 2 Season 8 DPS Tier List

The Best and Worst Dps Heroes to Main in OW2's Ranked Season 8!

Overwatch 2 Season 8 DPS Tier List
Blizzard Entertainment

Here are the best DPS heroes you can play right now in Overwatch 2's Season 8 after the latest plethora of buffs and nerfs! Abuse these picks, learn what to counter, and choose your main to easily dominate your opponents in Season 8 ranked. Let's get started with the bottom!

F Tier Heroes



Pharah is currently countered by roughly half the heroes in Overwatch 2, including the 2 newest heroes, Illari and Mauga. Until Pharah's Jump Jet rework goes live, she will continue to rely heavily on Mercy pockets in order to be a real hero. Best to avoid until then!

D Tier Heroes



Junkrat remains immensely map-reliant! Without important choke points to defend and tight hallways (for both cover and Grenade spam opportunities), the rat struggles to find impact comparable to that of his hitscan DPS rivals.



C Tier Heroes



Widowmaker is the weakest she has ever been; powerful in the hands of a skilled player, mediocre in the hands of most. With the lowest damage output and worst Grapple Hook cooldown in the hero's history, this likely won't change any time soon. Not a bad hero, but not our first recommendation either!



A well-rounded pick, decent at just about everything. That said, the meta is not defined by average Joes. Alas, Cassidy remains a C-tier staple.




At long last, Reaper ascends to the C-tier! With the popularity of Ramattra and the introduction of Mauga, Reaper finally has company in super close-range battles. Mauga's Cardiac Overdrive ability also has perfect synergy with a brawler like Reaper.



Sombra was sinking fast in the meta after her rework, but a major buff to Sombra's EMP lockout duration (1.5 seconds > 3 seconds) is a game-changer, and just about enough to keep her spot stable in the C-tier in Season 8.



An unexpected buff to Overload sees Torbjorn hike to the top of C-tier. His synergy alongside Sigma, the most potent and popular tank at the time of writing, is lacking compared to the other meta DPS picks, but that's not to say the bearded wonder can't hold his own.



B Tier Heroes



Hanzo, similar to Cassidy, remains a powerful all-rounder hero. His superiority over Cassidy in terms of damage output, damage fall-off, and mobility are what solidify his spot in the B-tier ahead of his rivals. A solid pick to main in every season and Season 8 is no exception.

Soldier: 76

Soldier: 76

Despite nerfs heading into Season 8, Soldier: 76 retains his spot as the most B-tier of B-tier picks! The nerfs to Biotic Field's cooldown, raised from 15 seconds to 18 seconds, are negligible at best.



Genji slumps from S-tier to A in Season 8, mostly due to changes to other key heroes. Most notable are the buffs to Ramattra and Mei, as well as the continued dominance of Sigma, all of which do a great job of pinning down a troublesome Genji. That said, Genji is still an absolute force of nature in the hands of a technically gifted player.




Echo remains all that Pharah wishes she could be: a hyper-mobile damage-dealing machine. Though Mauga is an added threat for Echo to play around in Season 8, so long as she picks her battles carefully, Echo should have no issues finding consistent value with backline picks and tank-busting burst damage.



Symmetra is most powerful in a brawl comp, however, unlike other heroes in the roster, she is not limited by composition. Symm remains insanely valuable in a variety of scenarios, from holding crucial chokes with her turrets to busting through enemy bunkers with her Teleporter. A potent pick to be sure in Season 8!



A Tier Heroes



Bastion counters are getting better, but nothing can shut down a well-supported Bastion completely. His raw damage output remains mindboggling and can easily win fight after fight on its own with proper positioning.



Mei's ammo was nerfed from 150 > 120. While some folks are calling this the beginning of the end for Mei's prominence in the meta, her true power will always reside in her Ice Wall. Given the newest wave of tank buffs in Season 8, Mei's ability to isolate an enemy frontline from the rest of their team may be more valuable than ever before.



Ashe doesn't fit into any particular team comp of note, yet time and time again she proves to be a consistently powerful pick. Able to handle most tanks comfortably, as well as destroy uncoordinated enemy dive heroes, she's looking very likely to retain her spot near the top of the DPS food chain.



S Tier Heroes



Tracer is a menace in all scenarios, and the recent buff to her Pulse Pistol damage only solidifies her spot at the top. A 240-damage clip is lethal to most backline heroes. She boasts enough burst to threaten most tanks, and the mobility to duel any DPS that comes her way. In the hands of a skilled player, this hero is guaranteed to win you games in Season 8.



Sojourn retains her spot at the top. Both Roadhog and Mauga serve as Railgun energy batteries. Her small hitbox and snappy mobility make her more durable than her 200 health suggests, allowing her to function well alongside any support composition in the game. All of this plus deadly burst potential make Sojourn our pick for the ultimate carry DPS hero in Season 8.



Complete Tier List:

Tier Heroes
S Tier
  • Sojourn
  • Tracer
A Tier
  • Ashe
  • Mei
  • Bastion
B Tier
  • Symmetra
  • Soldier: 76
  • Echo
  • Genji
  • Hanzo
C Tier
  • Torbjorn
  • Sombra
  • Reaper
  • Cassidy
  • Widowmaker
D Tier
  • Junkrat
F Tier
  • Pharah


In-depth Breakdown:
