This tier list will help you learn more about what damage heroes are viable in Season 7 of Overwatch 2 as you can find out what impact the ultimates have on your gameplay so you can better punish any mistakes your enemies might make and climb the ranked ladder much easier.
F Tier Damage Ultimates


- High damage, but inconsistent
His ultimate has never been good as it is easily kited and mitigated by a Genji deflect. Cassidy simply becomes an easy target, and despite having some damage reduction, rarely will players get an opportunity to effectively utilize this ability.
D Tier Damage Ultimates

Soldier: 76

Tactical Visor
- Ineffective against shields, but consistent
Another hitscan ultimate that is similar to Cassidy's, this ability falls flat as shield can very easily mitigate the damage dealt or players can simply kite around until it expires.


- Great utility, but low impact
A good ultimate it can provide intel onto the enemy team which can drastically shift the tide of the game, however, it often does not provide any further utility as most players simply ignore it or wait it out before they pursue any aggressive plays.
C Tier Damage Ultimates


- Good zoning, but easily avoidable
Despite allowing for an easy pick onto a frozen target, the game has progressed to the point where support can easily assist the frozen target so they can survive a skirmish or delay the damage enough so players need to waste even more abilities for the kill. Isolating picks is simply too difficult, but it can still find its purpose in some scenarios.


- Disruptive, but dodgeable
A great zoning tool but it requires perfect placement as it can be easily dodged due to the sound cue. Very useful to disrupt tempo and shake up the enemy's backline in skirmishes.


Death Blossom
- High DPS, but inconsistent


- Very impactful, but a double-edged sword
Requiring perfect discipline, execution to get picks or space, one of the best ultimates to lead the initiative, however, you become susceptible to the enemy focusing you down before you can get in more resets to further push your team's tempo.
B Tier Damage Ultimates


- Great damage, but easily detectable
Although the tire can be easily killed as it has a small health pool, utilizing it in combination with your teammates can be the difference in a fight as it packs quite a punch.


- Very flexible and consistent, but easy to counter
A great option to handle any composition, but it is unreliable in some situations as the enemy team can headshot him without Ashe being able to pick up crucial kills.


- Great utility, but slow charge rate
With the ultimate being nerfed, it seems that its relevancy and consistency have dropped as it is more effectively used for 1v1 picks with the damage not making it worth using in bigger skirmishes.
A Tier Damage Ultimates


- Reliable, but not always very effective
Being able to copy an enemy hero can harbor great opportunities for surprise combos catching the enemy team off guard. Overall, this ability allows for great picks in ideal scenarios, but can also fall flat if there isn't enough backup from your team to fully utilize it.


Molten Core
- Excellent zoning and damage if ignored too long
A great tool to zone enemy players as it becomes a nightmare to deal with on payload maps. If left ignored, the damage over time will be prove very beneficial to your team.


- Amazing damage, but can be easily targeted if not set up correctly
An amazing burst damage ability as it can oneshot any enemy not paying enough attention above them.


Photon Barrier
- Incredible shield utility, only vulnerable to EMP
A great defensive utility ability as only Sombra's EMP can counter it, however, it effectively splits the map in two providing your team a moment to reposition or better defend an objective.


Configuration: Artillery
- Great damage and zoning
A great damaging ability to either force enemy cooldowns or get a pick before a fight happens as it plays excellently into Bastion's other abilities.


Pulse Bomb
- Consistent for easy kills, great synergy with other heroes
A powerful ultimate that is not to be underestimated as when paired effectively with another teammates ability it can significantly snowball the game in your favor allowing for your team to further push their tempo and secure control over a contested objective.
S Tier Damage Ultimates


- Almost no weaknesses, very consistent and amazing damage
An ideal DPS ultimate allowing for players to quickly oneshot unsuspecting enemies to turn fights as it does not require a lot of skill to efficiently use it.
This tier list will help you with deciding which ultimates are worth using in critical situations, as some heroes might become too easy of a target and fall victim to a targeted attack which would easily swing a game to your disadvantage so by having a better understanding of these abilities will allow you to wipe the enemy team with ease. You can learn more about our tier list, here: