Overwatch has a very diverse cast filled with a whole bunch of heroes, but certain heroes are going to pair better than others in low ELO, whether it's because we're not skilled enough to play some of the more demanding heroes, or if certain picks are just really good at cheesing out wins. There is a huge variance in win rates in these tiers, so we'll be listing the five highest and five lowest win rate heroes in Gold, starting off with the best to worst.
High Win Rate Heroes (Best to Worst)

Brigitte - 54.5% Win Rate
First and foremost, our best overall win rate hero in all of Overwatch in Gold is going to be Brigitte. She has a very easy-to-execute game plan, insane hard counters, and runs people over when left alone. When Brig is allowed to swing, she does an incredibly good job of keeping everybody topped off and works as sort of a pseudo DPS. This hero is an absolute freight train when it comes to taking over games. Brig isn't too great against super long-range compositions, but most people in Gold don't actually know how to use range as a proper buffer, and they'll end up fist fighting you. This is where Brig excels.

Symmetra - 53.9% Win Rate
Next up on our list is Symmetra. Symmetra, at her core, is very simple and super effective. This hero requires not too much thought because the enemy team does the thinking for us. When we get down to it, the microwave is basically going to be a guaranteed death if people aren't able to consistently land their shots. You can't really miss a turret, and the turret is also really good when people are allergic to actually killing them. This hero is overall super solid, really easy to execute, and there is no hard hitscan requirement on her.

Torbjorn - 53.2% Win Rate
Torb is a very interesting hero because he's basically Symmetra but with a hitscan requirement. In my opinion, this character is actually quite significantly stronger than Symmetra when played effectively, but we do have to hit our shots. The shotgun on Torb is insanely strong. When it is good when people lack situational awareness, just like Symmetra, but it has a longer effective range.Torb is also significantly tankier than all other damage characters, so this means that we can actually get in, stay in, and continue keeping tempo, which is incredibly important in these lower ranks.

Junker Queen - 52.3% Win Rate
Junker Queen is an absolute menace in Gold, and the reason for this is because of people's poor aim. If you don't outright burst her down with good shots, she simply just runs your team over by drain tanking. Junker Queen will always be effective in any uncoordinated fight simply due to how her kit works at the baseline. She is one of the most high-value tanks that we could get on due to her super high damage and her effective ultimate. And on top of that, she is just very good at punishing mistakes, which makes her one of the highest win rate heroes in all of Overwatch.

Zenyatta - 51.5% Win Rate
Zenyatta is the last on our highest win rate list. The reason for this is because Zen counters others heavily when played well. Both Harmony and Discord orbs are very effective by themselves, but because these are mostly fire and forget, we can simply put our Harmony orb on an ally and then place a Discord on whoever is the most threatening and by design will be hitting and healing the most efficient targets in most fights. This is why Zen, while not being the most effective pick by himself, has such a high win rate. It creates many objectives for our team, which then allows us to dogpile onto them.
Low Win Rate Heroes (Best to Worst)

Cassidy - 44.6% Win Rate
First and foremost on our list is Cassidy and the reason for this is quite simple - he needs to click heads. He has a very steep aim requirement. His only guaranteed damage is sticky, and it's also not that significant if we're just going for raw damage. Cassidy overall is something that has a very demanding skill set requirement, and if we're unable to meet this, it's shown very clearly by the overall win rate on this hero. Cassidy is usually best played as an anti-flanker, and people in Gold don't really flank super heavily so you're not really going to be off the side taking 1v1s. There's going to be more brawling in general. Another DPS is usually going to be more effective, which is why she has such a low win rate.

Widowmaker - 44.5% Win Rate
Our next pick on this list is going to be Widowmaker, for pretty obvious reasons. She struggles very heavily against dive, which are some of the easiest to execute picks, especially in this ELO. Widowmaker is also incredibly tied to headshots. She has a very high demand to play, but a medium to low reward actually simply due to the amount of effort that we have to put into this character. Other DPSes just do it better. Widow is susceptible to some of the lamest stuff that you have to experience in Overwatch, and this definitely reflects in her overall win rate.

Lifeweaver - 44.2% Win Rate
Now, surprisingly, Lifeweaver is not our lowest win rate hero. He's actually two above the rest, and the reason for this is that Lifeweaver's kit is difficult for even the best players to pull off. But being a support is inherently advantageous, and the reason for this is because we're simply going to be healing our team no matter what, right? So even though Lifeweaver is hard to use and even harder to master, and he has a kit that's clunky and unforgiving, it's still a support, so it's still going to be easier to execute than most of the other picks on this list. I personally don't think that this hero is all that bad, but the amount of time investment is a definite negative to even get this guy rolling.

Roadhog - 43.7% Win Rate
Next up on our list, we have Roadhog. This is actually not super surprising. Roadhog has a huge hitbox and he's very easy to blow up. Also if you miss your hook, your tempo is dead in the water. Roadhog basically doesn't excel at anything. Junker Queen is a better meatball. Reinhardt is way better at getting your team in. If we want to go purely for picks, even Orisa can create picks a lot easier than Roadhog can. His self-healing is mediocre at best. And then on top of that, there's not really a support that Roadhog synergizes super well with. His ultimate is easily countered. There's just a whole bunch of negatives to this hero overall in the tank slot. So Roadhog, unfortunately, is one of the lowest win rate heroes in all of Gold statistically.

Sombra - 43.3% Win Rate
And finally, the lowest win rate hero in all of Gold Overwatch is Sombra. Sombra has a lot of difficulty to her when it comes to using her hack effectively. You need to know which health packs to actually hack to get the most effectiveness from them, and you have to be very confident in using your translocator. All of this comes from a similar skill set as Tracer, but much more difficult to execute. Sombra, as a solo hero, is something that we want to be flanking with. We want to be constantly annoying people by ourselves and not relying on our teammates, and players in Gold struggle to actually grasp this concept.
Sombra is by no means a bad character. She's just so different from the rest of the DPS cast and has such an alternative playstyle that a lot of people can't really grasp this fully, which leads to her having a very low win rate. In reality, this is probably one of, if not the most frustrating DPS to play against when a good player is piloting her, but for Gold Overwatch, you need a very exceptional standout player to actually make this pick work.