Palworld Guide: How and Where to Get Tomato Seeds

This quick guide will show you where and how to get tomato seeds in Palworld. Check it out!

Palworld Guide: How and Where to Get Tomato Seeds
Pocket Pair

Growing tomatoes in Palworld requires obtaining the tomato seeds first. This quick guide will show you where and how to get tomato seeds in Palworld. We provide tips on defeating specific creatures that drop tomato seeds as well as merchants who sell them. We also cover how to set up tomato plantations and use the harvested tomatoes for recipes.



How and Where to Get Tomato Seeds

Where to Get Tomato Seeds in palworld.png
Where to Get Tomato Seeds in Palworld

For those wanting to skip battling creatures in Palworld, Tomato Seeds can be purchased from a Wandering Trader at Fisherman's Point for 200 gold. He also sells Tomatoes for 150 gold.

What Pals Drop Tomato Seeds

Like most resources in Palworld, tomato seeds are dropped by defeating certain creatures roaming the islands. The following pals have been observed to provide tomato seeds:



Paldeck Number #048

The leafy, dinosaur-like Broncherry spawns around level 20 in the Bamboo Grove near Ascetic Falls (-218, -440) and Deep Bamboo Thicket (-325, -202) fast travel points.


Dinossom Lux

Paldeck Number #064B

This electric dinosaur spawns around level 35-40 in the Dessicated Desert near the Duneshelter area (353, 351). A level 47 boss also resides deep in the Furthest Mineshaft.




Paldeck Number #030

The mossy panda Mossanda spawns around level 25 in its namesake forest region the Mossanda Forest (230, -118).

078 Palworld Vaelet.png


Paldeck Number #078

A level 30 field boss Vaelet provides seeds upon defeat in the wilderness. It respawns on a 1 hour cooldown.


Wumpo Botan

Paldeck Number #091B

Another level 38 field boss, Wumpo Botan offers seeds and can be found at specific coordinates in the wilderness. It also respawns on a 1 hour cooldown. It can be found in the Wilderness Sanctuary no. 2 (-620, -166).

Of these, Broncherry may prove the easiest early source, given its more modest level.

How to Plant Tomatoes in Palworld

After obtaining seeds, Tomato Plantations must be built to grow the tomatoes in Palworld. The required recipe unlocks at level 32:

Tomato Plantation:

The plantation can then be worked automatically by your Pals with suitable Planting, Watering, and Gathering capabilities. Grass element pals commonly work for Planting needs.



What To Do With Tomatoes in Palworld

Once grown, Tomatoes in Palworld can be used to cook buff-granting Omelettes and Rendrix Stews in a Cooking Pot. Here are the recipes:

Recipe Picture Ingredients
Omelet Omelet Palworld.png
  • Egg x1
  • Tomato x1
Reindrix Stew Reindrix Stew palworld.png
  • Reindrix Venison x1
  • Tomato x2

So by battling creatures or purchasing from traders to obtain those tomato seeds, players can ultimately establish fruitful tomato plantations and cook useful recipes in Palworld.
