Palworld: How to Catch and Breed Relaxaurus & Relaxaurus Lux
Here's where you can find and capture Relaxaurus and Relaxaurus Lux - two of Palworld's most adorable pals! We'll also show you how to breed the Lux version!
Relaxaurus, a cherished "poster" pal in Palworld, is beloved by fans for its unique features. This article guides you on where and how to catch Relaxaurus to add them to your paldeck. We'll also explore their electric variant, Relaxaurus Lux, detailing where to find them and how to breed these captivating creatures.
Relaxaurus, a Dragon and Water element Pal, can be mounted and rapidly fires a missile launcher while mounted. Potential Relaxaurus drops include Ruby and High-Quality Pal Oil.
Relaxaurus Lux is Relaxaurus' Electric Dragon Variant. It maintains the ability to fire missiles while mounted, with different drops including High-Quality Pal Oil, Electric Organ, and Sapphires.
Where to Catch Relaxaurus?
Pocket Pair, genshinlab
Relaxaurus can be found in the Sealed Realm of the Thunder Dragon and Ascetic Falls.
Tips for a successful encounter include coming prepared with high-quality pal spheres and bringing along grass-type pals for the battle.
Where to Catch Relaxaurus Lux?
Pocket Pair, genshinlab
Relaxaurus Lux is located in the Sealed Realm of the Thunder Dragon, both during the day and at night.
Ensure you bring a plentiful supply of high-quality spheres and accompany them with Ground Element and Ice Element type pals.
How to Breed Relaxaurus Lux?
To obtain Relaxaurus Lux, combine Relaxaurus and Sparkit in the breeding process.
Explore more Palworld content and enhance your paldeck with these intriguing pals!