Pyrin Noct is becoming a fan favorite pal in the vibrant world of Palworld, thanks to its stunning visuals that truly make it stand out among the paldeck. In this article, we'll guide you on where to find Pyrin Noct and provide insights into the breeding process.
About Pyrin Noct:

Pyrin Noct - #058
Pyrin Noct is a captivating pal encompassing both the Dark and Fire elements. This nocturnal creature, a dark variant of the fiery Pyrin (though slightly less powerful), exclusively emerges during the night. While mounted, Pyrin Noct infuses Dark damage into the player's attacks, accompanied by exceptional skills like Spirit Flame and Dark Blast.
Where to Find Pyrin Noct?
To capture Pyrin Noct, venture to the specific location indicated below, but remember, it can only be found during the nighttime:

Breeding Pyrin Noct
Combine Pyrin and Katress through breeding to bring this Pyrin Noct into your collection. You can also try picking up some Dark Eggs, in hopes of hatching Pyrin Noct.
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