Palworld revealed its first major update at Summer Game Fest, and it has so much content that the creators said they couldn't fit it all into the video. While Palworld has had updates since its release, none have been within the scope of the upcoming Sakurajima update. Given the scale of this update, it is effectively being called an expansion, thanks to all of the new material.
It is unclear how many new Pals will be added in the Sakurajima update from the trailer alone, but we’ll be reviewing all the new Pals that have been revealed so far.
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Palworld Sakurajima Release Date

Sakurajima's release date of June 27, 2024, means that players will be able to start exploring the new island soon. Xbox users, in particular, may be looking forward to this release date because the update contains dedicated Xbox servers, which tend to improve the gameplay experience significantly. However, even lone gamers will have plenty to do once the update is out.
Palworld Sakurajima: New Species

Four of the new Pals were previously shown by Pocket Pair during an IGN showcase in April when they announced that many more would be added in the summer update. The four Pals that had been previously seen were a mushroom dinosaur, a fire monster resembling a peacock, a levitating creature, and a frog-like creature.

The clip displayed during Summer Game Fest included glimpses of additional Pals that can be located on Sakurajima. There's a creature with claws that appears to be capable of mining.

A creature that is essentially a mimic mixed with a cat and a ghost creature with lantern hands.

Last but not least, a creature dressed in armor. However, given Pocket Pair's prior statement that it expects to introduce many additional Pals, it's probable that those displayed thus far aren't the only new ones arriving in this update.

Palworld Sakurajima: New Subspecies

The trailer only shows a few of the additional subspecies that will be included. They appear to be new elemental versions of current Pals, which could potentially provide additional skills to use in combat.
It's always beneficial to have access to a variety of element types with Pals because it allows a player to exploit an enemy's weaknesses with an element that is strong against it. As with new Pals, it's probable that the few subspecies seen in the trailer will not be the only ones coming with the Sakurajima update.
