Transporting items efficiently is key to success in Palworld. With so many materials to gather and organize, the task can become repetitive and tedious. This article will provide the best pals for transporting in Palworld. We'll cover where to find them, their skills, and how they can benefit your gameplay.
Table of Contents
Best Transporting Pals in Palword - Ranked

Here is the list of the best pals for transporting items in Palworld:

1. Wumpo
The ultimate transporting pal, Wumpos have the highest transport skill at level 4. They have a large, furry white body and horns, residing in snowy northern areas. Wumpos also possess level 2 cooling and level 3 lumbering abilities.
- Handiwork - Level Two
- Lumbering - Level Three
- Transporting - Level Four
- Cooling - Level Two
Where to catch: Northern Snowy Region

2. Ragnahawk
With fiery plumage and wings, Ragnahawks are intimidating birds that excel at transporting with their level 3 skill. They live in volcanic southwestern parts of the map. Ragnahawks additionally have level 3 kindling skills.
- Kindling - Level Three
- Transporting - Level Three
Where to catch: Southwest Volcanic Region

3. Mossanda
Green, gentle giants, Mossandas reach level 3 transporting capacity. They inhabit the same northern islands as Beegardes. Mossandas also have level 2 planting and handiwork skills.
- Planting - Level Two
- Handiwork - Level Two
- Lumbering - Level Two
- Transporting - Level Three
Where to catch: Northern Large Island

4. Beegarde
Flitting around with insect-like wings, Beegardes have level 3 transportation among their varied skills. Search for them on large northern islands. They work well at multitasking.
- Planting - Level One
- Handiwork - Level One
- Lumbering - Level One
- Medicine Production - Level One
- Transporting - Level Two
- Gathering - Level One
- Farming - Level One
Where to catch: Northern Large Island

5. Tombat
Nocturnal Tombats have a level 2 transport skill and glow brightly at night. Their mining and gathering skills reach level 2 as well. Find them near starting areas.
- Transporting - Level Two
- Gathering - Level Two
- Mining - Level Two
Where to catch: Near Starting Point

6. Helzephyr
Sinister shadowy figures, Helzephyrs focus only on level 1 transporting. Spot their flying silhouettes carefully in the dark nighttime skies.
- Handiwork - Level One
- Transporting - Level One
- Gathering - Level One
- Mining - Level One
Where to catch: North from Starting Point, only at night

7. Penking
An upgraded water pal, these blue Penkings have more skills at level 2 than Pengullets. Locate them on a southern isolated island.
- Handiwork - Level Two
- Transporting - Level Two
- Watering - Level Two
- Mining - Level Two
- Cooling - Level Two
Where to catch: Southern Isolated Island across the water

8. Pengullet
Pink and rounded, these level 1 transporters thrive near water early game. Catch them quickly to water plants, but since you don't need to water plants in early-game, they are a good choice to transport items.
- Handiwork - Level One
- Transporting - Level One
- Watering - Level One
- Cooling - Level One
Where to catch: Water near Starting Point

9. Tanzee
Shaggy green Tanzees have level 1 transport skills, aside from many other skills. This multitasking Pal is a great early-game choice for transporting items and upgrading your base. Explore away from the spawn area to find them.
- Planting - Level One
- Handiwork - Level One
- Lumbering - Level One
- Transporting - Level One
- Gathering - Level One
Where to catch: Near Starting Point

10. Cattiva
One of the first transporters encountered, fluffy pink Cattivas have well-rounded level 1 abilities. Just like Tanzee, this starting Pal is one of the best options to help you transport items in the early-game.
- Handiwork - Level One
- Transporting - Level One
- Gathering - Level One
- Mining - Level One
Where to catch: Near Starting Point
Early-Game Transporters

When starting Palworld, Cattivas, Tanzees, and Pengullets are great options for transporting. All have the transporting skill at level one, making them capable helpers from the get-go.
- Cattivas are found almost immediately and have varied skills like mining and gathering. Their carry weight partner skill also helps early game.
- Tanzees require some exploration but offer skills like lumbering and planting too. They ensure your base thrives while you're gone.
- Pengullets are essential Water pals that can water crops when not transporting. Find these near water early on.
Mid-Game Transporters

After some progress, pals like Tombats, Beegardes, and Helzephyrs provide transportation skills alongside other abilities.
- Tombats have transporting at level two, plus gathering and mining skills. Their glowing figures stand out at night.
- Beegardes excel at multitasking with transporting, farming, lumbering and more. Search large northern islands for them.
- Helzephyrs focus solely on transporting with their level one skill. Catch these airborne pals carefully at night.
High-Level Transport Experts

Later in Palworld, Mossandas, Ragnahawks, and Wumpos are the best for moving goods.
- Mossandas reach transporting level three and help with planting and lumbering too. Find them near northern Beegardes.
- Ragnahawks have mighty level three transportation abilities. Tame these fiery birds in the volcanic southwest regions.
- Wumpos reign supreme with their transporting skill at level four. Seek them in northern snowy areas.
Catching the right pals for transporting can make base building much smoother in Palworld. With this guide, you'll know exactly which creatures to tame for moving goods efficiently.