Path of Exile has many different ways you can play. Depending on what kind of gameplay you like, and what your build can do, there can be many ways for you to start farming currency. We'll be checking out the Ultimatum mechanic today and gauging how easy it is to get into, how cheap it is to get it started, and how much currency you can begin making with a small investment.
How Does 'Ultimatum' Work in Path of Exile?
Ultimatum, also known as Trials of Chaos, is the league mechanic of Ultimatum league in Path of Exile. The Trialmaster and an altar can spawn in most zones. The altar displays a reward, the objective, and three modifiers to choose from. You must select a mod before beginning the trial.
There are four possible objectives:
Defeat waves of enemies.
Survive: Don't die until the timer runs out.
Stand in Stone Circles: You must stand in each stone circle for a certain period of time.
Protect the Altar: Kill enough enemies without letting the altar be destroyed.
Once you complete a wave, you will be given two choices: end the trial and receive your rewards or start another wave by selecting a new modifier to add.

Path of Exile: How to Farm Ultimatum
Ultimatum is a hard mechanic to farm in Path of Exile. A good way to do Ultimatum is by running plain maps without modifiers, as the monsters in Ultimatum are very strong. Jungle Valley is a good map layout for this mechanic.
A good Scarab to run for this strategy is the Ultimatum Scarab of Inscription, which makes it so you receive Inscribed Ultimatums instead of Catalysts. It’s a good idea to use a regular Ultimatum Scarab to guarantee an Ultimatum to spawn on the map.
Last but not least, we use 2 Ultimatum Scarabs of Bribing, since they allow us to receive rewards as though we’ve completed 2 additional rounds. You don’t need to add anything through the map device for this strategy.

Path of Exile: Tips for Ultimatum:
- If you die, stay outside of the circle for too long, or receive 7 stacks of Ruin, the Ultimatum is failed and all rewards will be removed.
Each trial can last from 3 to 9 waves, with more possible waves at higher zone levels.
At red tier maps (area level 78+), there is a chance to be offered a 10th wave, which teleports you to a boss arena to fight the Trialmaster.
- When facing a Trial of Chaos with other players, each player will be offered their own individual set of rewards. When an individual player fails the trial, they will lose their rewards but the trial will continue with the remaining players.
How to Set Up Your Atlas for Ultimatum in Path of Exile
To set up your Atlas for Ultimatum you should start with taking most Ultimatum nodes. You should only take Gruelling Gauntlet if your build can handle it. Gruelling Gauntlet makes the mechanic a lot harder, but the rewards aren’t as good. With the points left, you can take some Delve and Shrine nodes for more power, as well as Scarab nodes for bigger profit.
Here is a good example of an Atlas ready for Ultimatum by Empyriangaming, who’s been testing different league mechanics. If you want to see the results of farming 50 maps with the strategy, you can check out his video: