It can be quite hard to get started in PokéRogue, but once you’ve progressed your account by catching everything you see and building your starter pool, you can start bringing shinies on your Classic runs to improve the quality of item rewards you get at the end of each floor. You can even bring a legendary or ultra beast along to have an easier time against the end boss and get that first win.
Here are some general points of advice for Classic success which can also help you out in Endless mode.
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PokéRogue: Early Levels

The same guidelines as in Endless PokéRogue can apply here. This may seem counterintuitive, but until at least floor 30–40, try your hardest to just lead with 1-2 Pokémon. Ideally, the second one should only be required to compensate for the first's shortcomings.
Your immediate early-game challenges include the two rival battles on levels 8 and 25, as well as a Gym Leader battle on floor 20, and attempting to level everyone evenly will make winning more difficult.
The Exp All and Exp Charms you acquire from opponent battles and item awards will more than catch your squad up later, even if you don't ever use them, so don't be concerned.
You’ll need an early-game, unstoppable force to carry you in the beginning.
PokéRogue: Saving Money

In PokéRogue Classic mode, your income is significantly more limited, typically hovering around $100,000 by the mid to late floors, and you do not have the option of mindlessly rerolling for optimal outcomes.
If you want to "save scum" your re-rolls, you can do so. After winning a floor, review the rerolls, and if you don't like any of the options, refresh the website. This will start the floor over, resetting the prizes and refunding your money. However, this is not really necessary.
You'll notice that during your runs, you'll amass a sizable amount of gold in the midgame (floors 50–150, mostly). Rather than using this gold for rerolls at that point, when it doesn't really help, you should wait for the later floors, when you start facing the hardest opponents of the run: the Elite 4 and Champion on floors 180–190, the last rival battle at 195, and the final boss at 200.

To put your team in the best possible shape between each Elite 4/Champion encounter in PokéRogue, you should purchase more healing items in the 180–190 range than you might have over the entire run.
In the 190–200 range, however, you should really focus on finding goods like X [stat] that will give your team that extra "oomph." With +4 X Specials and an X Speed, a Butterfree terrifies even the most formidable legendaries. Early savings allow you to invest money where it counts most: in rerolls.
PokéRogue: Pokerus

The main benefit of possessing Pokerus in PokéRogue is that it allows you to cap out your levels faster; even without it, in the later floors, you'll still cap out by each final stage as long as you pick up a charm or two along the way. It's also a good aid in the 11–25 range, where you're at your weakest and the second rival challenge approaches.
PokéRogue: How do Biomes Work?

Many biomes in PokéRogue interact organically. As you begin to extend your team from 2-3 Pokémon to a full 6, you should be aware of which biomes to seek out and avoid.
This is one of the reasons why the Map is one of the top early-game PokéRogue rewards. It makes it much easier to target farm the remaining members of your team, and as you approach the final 50–80 floors, you may choose the easier ones to ease through while you finish designing your team.
You should visit this blog for their nice little flowchart diagram if you ever want a more nuanced look at each path.
PokéRogue: Building a Well-Rounded Team

Building monotype teams in PokéRogue is ultimately more work. You should focus on coverage and be prepared to handle everything that comes your way.
Remember, the final floors feature a variety of Elite 4 members and the Champion, all of which will necessitate a diverse approach to what types of Pokémon to bring for the best outcomes.
By floor 100, you should have the majority of your team in place or have a strategy to replace the gaps by floor 170.